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Around 2 years or 24 months of age after they have had their first calf.

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Q: How old are cows when they first are milked?
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What is the place where cows are milked called?

a milking parlor

What is dairymaid?

A dairy is a place where cows are milked and products are made from that milk. A dairymaid is a female worker, working in a dairy.

What do the cows do when they are not being milked and are they able to roam around or lay down comfortably If they like?

Actually this really depends on the dairy operation! Some dairies have cows that are allowed to roam around AND lay down comfortably if they wanted, other dairies have cows where they just stay in stanchions that are wide enough for them to lay down comfortably whenever they wanted. I've never heard of a dairy operation where they didn't have anything that allowed cows to lay down when they wanted. Maybe not so much roam around, though there's a large number of dairies have milking facilities where cows simply walk in, get milked, then walk out again to their corrals in the barn or under a shed or out to pasture if it's summer. But basically, when they're not being milked they're eating, sleeping or laying/standing around chewing cud and socializing with other cows they're in the barn or pasture with.

What is a cows life like?

A cows life is often rather boring. Although they do like grass and being milked, they most likely must get bored of this repetitive life style, especially as they don't have Christmas and birthday and things. Anthropomorphizing like the above person does doesn't help answer the question. Cows are creatures of habit, and are happy with how things go day to day. They eat, sleep, have sex when they're needing it, and get least for the dairy cows. For the beef cows, the same applies above except they got a calf to look after and open skies to graze under all day. They couldn't be happier.

Do cows feel pain when being branded?

No. Cows willingly come to the milk parlor to be milked, because the milk machines relieve the pain in their udders from being so swollen with milk. If cows would feel pain from being "forcibly" milked from machines, they would be doing everything they can to avoid going to the milking parlour. It's just like with cows going down a chute to the squeeze to get their shots. If they've had a bad experience the first time, they will baulk, turn around, and get really excited because they know that what they're going into is something that causes pain. No animal likes to go into or for something that causes them pain. But these dairy cows are not going to the parlour because they are forced to, they are going there because they know it's a pleasurable experience of having their painfully swollen udders relieved by the milk machines, and because it's a part of their routine. Cows like routine.

Related questions

How were cows milked in the 1900s?

They were milked the old fashioned way.Now they use factories to milk cows.

When was the first cow milked on a plane?

Never. No cows were milked in a plane, not ever.

What is homes for milking cows?

Cows that are milked are referred to as dairy cows. These cows are milked in a barn or a milk house.

How are the cows milked the first morning in Animal Farm?

Well, in the book it says that the pigs milked them quite succesfully ..

What word starting with da is the place where cows are milked?

The word that starts with 'da' that is the place where cows are milked is called a dairy. Cows are milked two or three times a day in a milking parlor.

How are the cows milked the first time in animal farm?

A knife, or a bottle opener.

How do you avoid the pain in the cows that feel pain for being milked forcibly with machines?

Cows do not feel pain when milked, nor are they milked forcibly. They willingly go to the milker when their udders fill up.

What are the names of the people that milked cows?


Do you have to milk jersey cows?

Not if they don't need to be milked, no. But, if you're hired to milk dairy cows, and Jerseys are among those cows that need to be milked, then the answer would be a very obvious yes.

Does cottage cheese come from cows milk as its milked?


When do cows get milked?

Twice a day, morning and evening.

What is the place where cows are milked called?

a milking parlor