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Pennsylvania do not have early emancipation. but even if they did the court would not emancipate you so you can live with your aunt. The requirements are usually living on your own, having a job, finish school, pay your own bills etc.

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Q: How old do you have to be for emancipation in Pennsylvania from your parents to live with aunt?
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As long as both your aunt and parents agree to this then yes.

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A minor can move to a different state to live with an aunt as long as they have permission from their parents.

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18 years old want to live with your aunt and go to school in her district and play football but the Ihsaa says you have to move with parents or emancipated and live on own can 18 year old be emancipa?

At 18, you're a legal adult and shouldn't need emancipation.

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Can 17 year old decide to live with his aunt since his father is physically abusive to him?

Absolutely. If this cannot be done amicably between all parties involved, it can be legally done with an emancipation (legal status for a child to not be subject to the will of their parents).

Can you live on your own WITH parents consent?

Yes, but you cannot own property without emancipation.

I dont live wit any biological parents i live with my aunt and uncle and in order to live with a different aunt would i need to be emancipated?

you will be emaciated b4 your freedom comes

How can you live with your aunt instead of your parents?

The Aunt would need to file a motion for custody of a child in need of care.