

Best Answer

The easiest way to tell would be to cut him in half and count the rings

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Q: How old is chuck noriss?
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What is chuck noriss?

It is Chuck Norris spelled incorrectly.

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its chuck noriss

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chuck noriss

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Chuck Noriss

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chuck noriss

Why would Chuck Noriss cross the road?

To beat you up because you were standing across the road from him! chuck noriss doesnt cross roads he eats them for breakfast O.o

When was sage northcutt born?

Sage northcutt wasnt born, simply just one of chuck Noriss' Spawn.

Do presidents wear bulletproof vests?

not all ways but often if there in a hostile situation or in danger of beaing shot

Who was paul revere with?

Dr. Prescot and Mr. T. were his friends and finished his ride in 2006, but I am sure he knew Chuck Noriss, Bruce Lee, and maybe God.

What is the Nooris trophy?

a miget trophy with a noda and noriss

Chuck noriss's brothers?

Chuck Norris had two younger brothers, but one is deceased. Wieland Norris was born July 12, 1943 and died in 1970 in Vietnam. His other brother Aaron (who worked with him on "Walker, Texas Ranger") was born on November 23, 1951.