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According to Genesis 11:10-11, Shem was 600 years old when he died.

This part of Genesis has all the hallmarks of fiction, so we should not accept this as Shem's real age even if he was a real, historical person. Noah was 500 years old when he first became a father (Genesis 5:32) and the Flood happened when Noah was 600 (Genesis 7:11). Shem was exactly 100 years old when he became a father, and then lived to 600 years. Too many nice, round numbers.

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First of all shem is the son of Noah and not Abraham, Abrahams son was Issac.

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Q: How old was Shem when he died?
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Is Jesus related to Shem?

There is no direct evidence that Jesus is related to Shem, but some people believe that they may be related indirectly. Shem was one of the sons of Noah, and Noah is a direct ancestor of Abraham, who is a direct ancestor of Jesus. So, if Shem and Noah are related, then Jesus may be related to Shem indirectly. However, there is no way to know for sure if this is the case.

How many sons did shem have?

Shem was a son of Noah, and accompanied him on the Ark. (Gen 6:10ff.) After landing, Shem fathered sons: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. (Gen 10:22) We loose count here because Gen 11:11 tells us that Shem live 500 yrs, and had more sons and daughters ... no names or numbers. Further,1 Chron 1:17 gives us names of 4 more sons of Shem in addition to the ones mentioned above, viz: Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshech.

Who were the three sons of Noah?

Shem, Ham and Japheth See the Bible Genesis 6:10

What races are descended from Shem?

There are different views on this, but Josephus identified the descendants of Shem with the Asian people. Of course, today it would be considered naive in the extreme to believe that Asians are all descended from a single man who only lived around two thousand years before the Common Era.

Where do Shem's descendants live today?

Shem descendants are from the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who was the father to the 12 tribes of Israel which today are wide spread from Central Asia - East Asia - North America through Mexico, Central America and South America. The bible says in Genesis 10:30 that Shem's descendants settled in Mesha toward Sephar in the eastern mountains and according to the New Unger's Bible Dictionary this is the Arabian area. (It appears that Shem's descendants later spread to other Far East and Middle East locations and from there migrated to other areas. Based on the scripture and the migration pattern of Shem's descendants, it appears that Shem was the progenitor of most Asian, Far East and Middle Eastern Peopl.We can say that Shem is ancestor of people in Middle East(such as Arabs,Jews,Assyrian,Chaldean,Syrian) & Yellow race people in Far East(South East Asia & East Asia) and America(Native American).

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Joseph ibn Shem-Tov died in 1480.

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Baal Shem Tov died on 1760-05-22.

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Baal Shem of London died on 1782-04-17.

How long did Shem lived?

600 years old

How old was Shem when A braham was born?

According to the bible in Genesis 5:32, Noah's son Shem was born. This was before the flood. Abraham was born after the flood. Read Genesis 11:10, it list Shem's descendants. Abraham was one of Shem's descendants. His father was Terah.

When was Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov born?

Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov was born in 1390.

Does the Bible say how old Shem Ham and Japheth were when they died?

Bible says 600 Shem and tradition 536 Ham dying 65 years before Shem. Shem's 600 is not a round number because it is Venus 600 or 365-day corrected less 30 days. Same with his 502 after Flood is two seasonal 251-year rotating pentacles of Venus Shem-Ramis. Noah died at 949 = 600 at Flood before new year 350; dying Mesor 15 the 6th month before Pamenoth new year. Nimrod died at 499 on Mekir 15 just 21 days before new year 600 accrediting him as age 500. All resurrection symbols rising Mars, rising Venus, Sothis, Christ Mass occurs after his death.

When was Shem Drowne born?

Shem Drowne was born in 1683.

When was Ohel Shem created?

Ohel Shem was created in 1934.