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Q: How old was Whitney Houston when she won her 6 Grammy Awards?
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How old was whitne Houston when she died?

Whitney Houston was 48 years old when she died

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He is 50 years old.

How old is Whiteny Houston?

Whitney Houston was 45 on August 9th.

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How old was Whitney Houston daughter?

Whitney Houston's daughter was born on March 4, 1993. In 2012, she would be 19 years old.

How old is is Whitney Houston's child?

18 years old

What is Whitney Houston's age?

Whitney Houston's birthday is August 9th 1963, so that makes her 46 years old.

Why does the Grammy Awards resembles to an old record player?

Because the awards are for music (and music related categories). Grammy is short for gramophone - an old-style record player.

How old is Whitney Houston brother Michael?

he is 52

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How old was Whitney when she died?

Whitney Houston was 48 years old at her time of death on February 11, 2012.