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Q: How are people affected by volcanoes?
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How have cinder-cone volcanoes affected people?

everything around it can be affected during thenCinder Cone Volcanoes. Ever SEX SEX

Which countries are affected by volcano?

97 countries have documented to be affected by volcanoes.

Do volcanoes occur in hot countries?

Some do. Volcanoes can be found in any climate; they are not affected by it.

Which areas are greater- those affected by earthquakes or those affected by volcanoes?


Do volcanoes erupt in warm countries only?

No. Where volcanoes appear is not affected by climate. There are volcanoes in places such as Iceland, Alaska, and Antarctica.

Which country is badly affected by volcanoes?

Iceland is one such place.

What spheres of the Earth is most directly affected by earthquakes and volcanoes?


Can volcanoes erupt in the ice age?

Yes. Volcanoes are driven by forces deep inside the Earth where conditions are not affected by temperatures at the surface.

What regions were affected?

volcanoes are affected by my daddy blowing holes through his bed at night when he has a full tank o' gas.

Can volcano affect Singapore?

No. Singapore does not have volcanoes. As a matter of fact, it can. When Krakatau erupted, Singapore WAS affected. Search Google and see for yourself. Although, SIngapore CANNOT be affected most of the time, as the previous contributor stated, Singapore has no volcanoes.

Why do people have volcanoes?

They don't the earth makes volcanoes

Which natural disaster never affected Australia?

Australia has never been affected by a volcanic eruption. There are no active or dormant volcanoes on the Australian mainland.