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Get them a Counciler and let them disscuss their problems with you

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Q: How should Parents Help their Kid from Depression so the Kid does not Commit Suicide?
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Should an unemployed US citizen over 50 commit suicide?

NEVER commit suicide

My daughters friend has tried to commit suicide in our home where can you take her in Calgary to ensure she gets the proper depression treatment?

Suicide is a very serious issue that should be handled correctly. You may want to talk to the child's parents to take her to Canadian Mental Health Association if you live in Canada.

What is the main reason for people committing suicide or killing themselves?

The main reason that people commit suicide is because they are depressed. If a person is concerned with depression, they should talk with a friend or family member.

Why should you commit suicide from bullying?

Actually you should NEVER commit suicide from anything! It doesn't help you in life. It just makes the people that really knew that person "depressed!"

Things a person should not do after getting a tattoo?

commit suicide

What do you do when you want to commit suicide but you just can't bring yourself to it?

It's a good thing you can't bring yourself to do it. You can overcome the feelings of wanting to commit suicide with some help. Seek counseling, talk to a suicide hotline if you feel you are going to try to kill yourself, talk to your family and friends, and treat your depression with the help of a doctor are all things you should do.

If you help someone commit suicide should that be considered a crime?

It is against the law to attempt or aid someone commiting suicide

Should you Or Should you Not Commit Suicide?

Don't commit suicide. There are many wonderful opportunities for you out there, and your life is about conquering something or contributing to the society just like you contribute to Wikianswers. you may commit suicide when you hate your stupid life such as been boss around by your parents or by your gay friends no offense here if you are anger don't hurt anyone just do what you got to do i know you hate them gimme me a break about violence stop the nonsense just shut the hell up and get on with your life just screw your crappy friends and and your bossy parents pain in the butt get a life man become successful and your friends and family will respect you especially your parents forget about their bossiness if you don't then screw yourself and commit suicide I'm not saying no or yes to this answer but its your decision I want you to think to yourself this ... If I did commit suicide, what would happen to my family... Your not only killing yourself, but your hurting others as well. So please, dont do it.

If you are confronted with a person who is threatening to commit suicide you should never?

ask what he is doing

Should or shouldn't commit suicide from bullying or cyber-bullying?

I believe you shouldn't commit suicide from bullying/cyber-bullying, people who attempt suicide, but don't commit it often are glad they didn't complete suicide, it only gets better from there. Plus people will be sad if a person commits suicide because they will lose a friend or a family member or whatever relationship they have going on.

Should you Commit Suicide if someone said to you go and die?

No. You should have your own mind and not blindly follow what others tell you to do. Suicide is never a rational choice.

What should you do to Save their Lifes when your Brother or Sister said they will Commit Suicide Tonight?

yes i do