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A guinea pig can get pregnant again, a few hours after birth, so a guinea pig could breed tens of times in a lifetime. But there is a 20% chance a female guinea pig could die during, before or after birth, because of the stress, it has been given.

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12y ago

hey there.. a female guinea pig goes into heat straight after giving birth, so please ensure that the male is separate from her when u think its time for her to give birth. hope this helps :D

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15y ago

It has been known to get pregnant again right after giving birth. The same day as it delivered the babies. This is not advised however because this can stress a good mama piggy.

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12y ago

a guinea pig can become pregnant right after giving birth, you should wait a week or two before breeding again for her health.

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How long after a guinea pig gives birth can it get pregnant again?

Unfortunately, female guinea pigs are sexually mature about 24 hours after birth. That is why you shouldn't have the male present at the birth. He can trample the babies in his eagerness to mate with their mother. It is also not recommended to back to back breed guinea pigs, since it is cruelty to the mother.

How long is a giunea pig pregnant for?

a guinea pig is pregnant from 9 to 10 weeks

How long will it be before guinea pigs show signs that they are pregnant?

Guinea pigs pregnancies last for 10weeks

How long do guinea pigs stay pregnant?

59 - 72 days.

How long should you brush your guinea pig?

you should probably brush your Guinea Pig for about 5-10 minutes

How long should you hold your guinea pig?

your should hold your guinea pig for about 30min to an hour each day

How long are guinea pigs preagnant?

65-72 days is the period of time that a female guinea pig is pregnant. This is also called the gestation period.

How long should the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant?

how long dhould the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant how long should the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant

How long will guin pigs stay pregnant?

The gestation period of a guinea pig is 68-72 days.

How long does it take for a guinea pig to have a baby?

Guinea pigs are pregnant for about 4. Many people think that they are pregnant for 2 months, but that is wrong.For more info, go to It is a really cool site.GUINEA PIGS are actually pregnant for 69-72 days to be precise :L

How long should the male and female guinea pig be separated after she has given birth although her babies have died?

If her babies have died it meant that something went wrong. She should not breed again because the chance of her dying is very high. I would not breed her again.