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That depends on whether the fetus has implanted and how much hormone is being produced that early in pregnancy.

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Q: How soon can you take a pregnancy test if you conceived a week before your period is due to begin?
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Can you have your period 4 days after conception?

Ovulation generally occurs 14 days before your period is due so no, you should not be menstruating that close to possibly conceiving. There is also no way to know if you conceived four days after sex, a pregnancy does not begin until implantation about 10 days after ovulation.

How many days after periods you can identify pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be confirmed about 4 weeks after the first day of your LMP (last period) or about the time your next period is due to begin.

Can you have pregnancy symptoms before pregnancy is detected with an at home pregnancy test?

Yes, but pregnancy and PMS symptoms can be a lot a like. Wait until you are about a day or two late for your period and take a home test. Or call your doctor and have a blood test, they can detect pregnancy earlier than a urine test.

Can you tell if you are pregnant while you are on your period?

AnswerIf you are on your period, then you are not pregnant.-Thats not true at all. Some women can have their period throughout their entire pregnancy. A friend of mine's mother had her period up till she was 6 months pregnant with her daughter before she even found out she was pregnant to begin with! This can be called vaginal bleeding. If you have your period, but you feel you are showing symptoms of pregnancy, I would take a test or see your doctor for a blood test. good luck!

How early can early detection pregnancy tests test?

Some of the most sensitive tests can begin detecting the HCG hormone at levels as low as 6, or 6-7 days before your period is due.

How soon do you show pregnancy symptoms after unprotected intercourse?

you will become fatter and gain more weight and begin to get morning sickness and wont have your period. take a pregnancy test

How long after conception do symptoms of pregnancy begin to occur i may have conceived 6 days ago and am experiencing milky white discharge feeling hot often and increased sensitivity down there?

Pregnancy symptoms do not usually appear until about 10 days after conception as there is not sufficient hormone to cause symptoms until then. None of the symptoms you have described are pregnancy symptoms, it sounds more as though you have an infection. You may of course be pregnant as well. See a doctor to check for infection and if your period doesn't arrive do a pregnancy test.

What can it mean when you begin ur period with brownish stains it had never happend to me before and we never use protection in intercourselately I've been feeling tiredheadaches and back pain thanks?

Sometimes periods do begin with brown blood. If your period was normal flow for you then it means nothing except that it started with old blood. If your period was very light or spotting then you need to perform a pregnancy test in 2-3 weeks.

How did the Harry Potter begin?

Well, his parents made love, and he conceived.

Do breast develop after your first period begins?

you can develop breasts before you begin your period. however it is more common to develop them after.

How do menstruation begin and end?

between each period cycle, it could be 28+ days before your next period. a woman has her period once a month.

How long does it takes for pregnancy to begin?

It can take 8 to 12 days following sex for a pregnancy to begin.