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That's my question too... I did 3 tests 3 diff weeks and all said negative but it has been a month since my period was supposed to come and my breasts are sore, bigger, full of milk lines and I leaked today. I really hope I am pregnant. I have quit nursing for about 3 months now maybe more... and with my first baby I leaked rather late in the pregnancy.

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Q: How soon should breast milk leak in second pregnancy's?
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What happens if your breast leaks?

Some women who are breast feeding have leaky breasts. Otherwise it should not leak. Consult a doctor.

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Is it normal for breast to leak and have three menstrual cycles in one month?

no ! you have a hormonal imbalance and should see you gyno today !

Would you leak breast milk if you've been sterilized?

If you've been sterilized, you should not get pregnant. If you're not pregnant, you should not be leaking breast milk. You might not be leaking breast milk. You might have some type of infection. You should go to a clinic or doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment, if necessary.

Can breast implants leak?

Yes, it is entirely possible.

Why does my dog's breast leak milk and are swollen?

because it likes you and thinks you might enjoy its precious breast milk

What are breast pads used for?

Breast pads are used by lactating woman because after childbirth breast milk tends to sometimes leak out. These are place in a bra and absorb the breast milk.

When breast do not leak at 36 weeks pregnant is that a concern?

In my experience, breasts do not leak until after you have given birth and are actively breastfeeding.

If you don't breast feed will your breast leak?

Breasts usually leak when the baby cries. It's set up that way. What happens if you choose not to breast feed is that they give you something at the hospital so no more milk will be made. Otherwise it hurts like hell when the milk doesn't get out.

What does it mean when your breast leak oil?

I would suspect that the oil is coming from a broken breast implant. If you do not have an implant (or even if you do) consult your gynecologist.

What can cause breast to leak if not pregnancy?

Your prolactin level might be too high