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The gravity in a black hole is so strong that even light can't get out of it.

Nothing, with the exception of Hawking Radiation, can escape from a black hole. Effectively the gravitational force is infinitely strong.

Black holes are stronger than a thousand planets. Every planet they swallow, makes their power grow.

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It pulls harder and harder until you reach a point called the event horison at which point even light is sucked in and it can't escape.

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Black holes are very powerful. They can pull planets and galaxies. So to answer your question: VERY

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minute-spce ripping

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Q: How strong is a black holes force of gravity?
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Does black holes have gravitatonal force if not then which force?

Black holes do have a gravitational force; it's so strong, in fact, that nothing - not even light - can escape from it.

What forces black holes?

The existence of black holes is an outgrowth or prediction of General Relativity, which was Einstein's theory of gravitation. The dominant force forming black holes is the force of gravity, a universal attraction between mass.

If the gravity of black holes does not allow light out can they be too strong to let gravity out?

The force of gravity always increases. Gravity is one of the perfect forces. Like simple math, 1+1 = 2. Gravity is always additive. Adding more just makes more. At the heart of the most ancient galaxies are black holes with more gravity than entire young galaxies.

What role does gravity play in the formation of black holes?

A black hole is what is left of an object that has completely collapsed under the force of gravity.

Why is it so dark in black holes?

If gravitational force is strong enough, light itself is affected by the gravity. The gravitational force of a black hole is so intense that light cannot escape from it. No light, nothing to see. It appears as a "black hole".

Describe how the strong force attracts nucleons?

nucleons are made of nuclear molecules. these specific types of molecules are sensitive to strong forces like gravity and other forces like black holes.

Black holes use suction power to pull things into them?

I can't comprehend how suction would work in a vacuum :-) Black Holes' use their gravitational force to pull matter into them.

What is attracted to black holes?

the gravity from a black hole is so strong, its pulls in everything, and not even light can escape

Is there a place where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape?

We call these "black holes" because the gravity is so strong that it even pulls in all of the light.

Do black holes obey gravity?

actually black holes are the masters of gravity has the most gravity ever

Where do black holes get gravity?

black holes are stars which collapsed under their own gravity.

Which type of object has the highest gravitational force?

Black holes have the strongest gravity of any object.