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Q: How the different communicable disease affect your body?
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Is heart disease a communicable or non communicable disease?

Cardiomegaly means that the heart muscle is enlarged. There are many different causes including all three of the above categories.

Is breast cancer communicable?

No, cancer is an non communicable disease , because the disease causing factor is inside our body

How does the disease can affect organ?

Aids & cancerThis usually depends on which organs it affects. You could safely say it in two categories, communicable and non-communicable diseases. Examples are the common Heart dieseases, Diabetes, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Anemia and the like.

Is liver a communicable disease?

No. Liver is an essential organ of the body.

How are communicable diseases different from cancer?

Cancer is not tranfrered from person to person, it is a systemiic disease in the body caused by bad cells. Communicable diseases are transfred from person to person by germs & viruses, like a cold or the flu.

Why is arthritis non communicable?

Arthritis is not a communicable disease. However there are communicable diseases that can bring about symptoms that include arthritis. There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and the term atrhritis usually refers to an illness that effects the joints of the body.

What is mean by communicable disease epidemiology?

A communicable disease is a disease that can be transferred from an infected person to another individual. or A communicable disease is an infectious disease that can be transmitted from an infected organism to another. Examples of these include: Bird flu, cholera, Malaria, etc.

Is diarrhoea is communicable or noncommunicable disease?

It depends on what the diarrhea is from. The act of Diarhea itself is not communicable, but rather a response to something in your body which may be communicable. For instance, bacteria and virus can cause diarhea and many of these, especially Salmonella, are extremely transmittable if someone else comes into contact with the stools. However, some people have chronic or frequent diarhea as a result of processes within their own body, such as damaged stomache tissue or a genetic allergy to certain foods. This kind of diarhea cannot be passed on to another human via contact.

What are the communicable diseases?

a communicable disease is also known as an infectious disease, contagious disease, or a transmissible disease. a communicable disease is one which is clinically evident (shows characteristic signs and symptoms) and can result from infection/presence/growth of a pathogen. pathogens include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi etc. transmission of such a pathogen can occur via physical contact, contaminated food, body fluids (as with STIs), contaminated objects, airborne inhalation, or through vector organisms (as with malaria).

Is turberculosis a communicable disease?

Yes Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease. Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease and it usually affects the lungs. However, other parts of the body may also be affected, for example, bones, joints, lymph nodes and kidneys. Tuberculosis is spread through the air when a person who has it and has not had it treated cough or sneezes.

What body systems does tuberculosis affects and how it affects it?

the most common system it effects is the respiratory is a communicable disease spread by droplets.

Is it true or false that non-communicable diseases are caused by pathogens?

False, pathogens are harmful bacteria to the body causing disease.