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Q: How the placenta serves as several organs for a baby developing inside its mothers body?
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Why is the placenta important for developing a fetus?

It acts like a cushion so it stops the baby from hurting its self inside the mothers tummy

Does a baby get hurgry inside his mother belly?

No, the baby is supplied with food in its blood via the placenta, the placenta is connected to the mother's blood supply and the baby's food gets to it from the mothers blood.

What animal nourishes developing young inside the mothers body and provides milk for after its born?

Animals that are mammals nourish their developing young inside the mothers body and then provide milk for them after they are born. Some animals that are mammals are elephants, cows, dogs, and humans.

What organ joins a fetus to its mother?

the placenta. the placenta grows inside the mothers uterus with the umbilical cord attached to it adn the baby. after the baby is born his end of the cord gets cut off, and the mother delivers the placenta and the remaning connected cord. the placenta is the only organ in the body that is grow and disposable.

Can the placenta be growing with no embryo inside?


How does food pass through the mother to get to the fetus to feed of off?

The baby is connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta. The placenta is attached to the inside of the womb. Blood carries food through the blood vessels in the wall of the womb and the blood vessels of the placenta absorb the food.

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How the developing chick nourishes itself while inside the egg shell?

The developing chick feeds on the yolk sac, much like the baby of live bearing animals attaches to the placenta. The chick has enough nutrients when born to got 24 hours without beginning on chick starter.

Does the placenta grow from the mom or fetus?

The placenta is the nourishing membrane around a fetus that grows from the inside of the mom's uterus. Your answer is, ". . . the mom . . ."

Does an 14 years old girl have eggs in their system?

Females have eggs in them since they were developing inside of there mothers yes a 14 year old girl does have eggs in her system :)

Where do most mammals grow before they're born?

Most mammals are placental mammals: they develop in a placenta before birth. Marsupials also develop in a placenta, but they are delivered much earlier and the placenta is less developed. Monotremes develop within an egg, which is kept inside the mother for some time before it is laid. It hatches several days later.

What is placenta in female body?

The placenta is an organ that is inside the uterus in the female body. The uterus maintains the fetus through the umbilical cord. Some parents choose to eat the placenta after birth.