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how does the spine cord interact with the other components

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Q: How the spine cord interact with the other components in the system?
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The brain is one part of the central nervous system what is the other part called?

the other part is the spine

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THere is the spine and brain they affect the digestive system also if you eat more chicken you will get more pimples on your arms and get prostate cancer. Hobo Joe knows everything. I am going to go honey dipping now (shovel sewerage)

What body system is the spine part of?

The spine is composed of the vertebrae. This is part of the skeletal system. The spinal cord is part of the nervous system.

What system does the spine belong to?

Skeletal System.

The spine is a part of which organ system?

The spine is part of the skeletal system. While it contains a very Significant portion of The Nervous System [the spinal cord], the Spine is of osteo-origin; meaning that it is made of [or from] bone-tissue.

What is the vertebrae in the skeletal system?

The Spine

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The system that the cardiovascular system depends on includes the respiratory system as well as the central nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and spine.

What are the major part of your skeletal system?

Your spine

What is a spine part of?

It is part of the Skeletal system.

Does the spine protect in the human skeleton?

The spine, or vertebral column, protects the spinal cord of the nervous system.

How does the cardiovascular system interact with the skeletal system work together?

the skelatl stysgdslk;cndmkZ<NCVjzx;Kudhiuhguahf -the cardovascular system suplies blood to all parts of the body and in that blood is nurtients that are used to build up bones and also keep them alive

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The spine.