

How to treat your dog if he eats a chocolate cookie?

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Casimir Keebler

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4y ago

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Q: How to treat your dog if he eats a chocolate cookie?
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Will one chocolate cookie hurt a dog?

No it should not hurt your dog. Like any other mammal dogs can be allergic to things and chocolate is one of the things known to make a canine react. The amount of actual chocolate in a cookie in small and your dog will be fine. But don't give your dog any more chocolate. You don't know how much it will take to cause your dog serious harm.

What happens if dog eats a lot of dark chocolate?

First, dogs should not eat ANY chocolate let alone a lot of it. If a dog eats chocolate it gets sick and has a chance of dying because the cocoa in chocolate contains something that is very harmful to dogs.

What happen when a dog eats chocolate?

it dies the dog does not die as soon as it eats chocolate. okay, as long as it doesn't have enough. it will probably just be sick. If you think you should take it to the vet then take it to the vet.

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if you want your dog to, then I guess it can. but No. pizza is not good for dogs to eat.

What kind of dogs can eat choclate?

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to dogs, and can cause seizures and, sometimes, death. If your dog eats chocolate, it is advisable to contact a vet as soon as possible, as supportive treatment may be necessary. Chocolate should never be given as a treat to dogs.

What happens if a puppy eats a big dog treat?

busog wahhhaw

if a dog eats icecream with cookie dough will he be okay?

No, Because it might get sick.

What is a good dog treat for a puppy?

A good dog treat for a puppy is either a small dog cookie or a soft toy. These are great treats because it has minimal chance of harming the puppy, while it can be enjoyable.

What if a dog eats 1tablespoon of chocolate?

The dog could, of course, get sick but depending on how big the dog is, then the dog is fine. With Large or medium dogs this amount will not be harmful.

How dangerous is it if a dog eats chocolate?

It is very dangerous for a dog to eat chocolate it could die from eating lot of if u give it some its stomach might hurt after so don't even try giving the dog chocolate.

What shoud'NT you feed a dog?

Never feed your dog chocolate esp. dark choc. It Can Kill. The special doggy treat chocolate made from Carob is ok though.

What should you do if a dog eats a lot of chocolate?

Call the vet so i does not get really sick and die.