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i dont know lil boy or girl or gay

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Q: How was democracy expended the age of percicles?
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How did Percicles change Athens?

He helped establish an empire over 180 other Greek city-states which enriched Athens, and brought in radical democracy, and led it into a destructive 27-year war which cost it its empire and a massive loss of its people.

What is the interest expended?


What does expended mean?

It means the same as spent. Money which is expended is spent. A battery which is expended is spent; it has been used up.

Why is the government during the age of Percicles referred to direct democracy?

The citizens (adult males) met in assembly fortnightly and discussed and voted on laws and the conduct of the state, the council carried out the directions of the assembly between meetings. In that way, they were the government. An indirect democracy is where people elect representatives to a parliament, and the parliament makes the decisions, which are not necessarily what the people wanted. A direct democracy was possible with a city-state where the citizens lived close enough to attend the assemblies. Elected representative democracy is unavoidable where the distance preclude this, however fast-growing communications efficiency will offer the ability to install direct democracy, however this will be strongly resisted by today's politicians who will not want to give up perks and power, just as it was resisted in ancient Greece.

Which group could vote in Athenian democracy?

Men over the age of 60 could vote in Athenian democracy.

How did the Renaissance the Reformation the Age of Exploration and Discovery of the Scientific Revolution promote the rise of democracy?

The Age of Revolutions brought on by liberalism, called for freedom and equality which led to the rise of democracy.

What is the power expended when a barbell is lifted 2.2m in 2 seconds?

The power during the lift is (weight of the barbell in Newtons)/4.4 watts.Note:Power is not "expended". Energy is. Power is the rate at which energy is expended.

How did suffrage expand during the Age of Jackson?

Jacksonian democracy

Which of the basic concepts of democracy do you think would be least well served in a direct democracy?

age and citizen, residence, criminal

What is the difference between the golden age and the dark age of Greece?

the dark age was a period of warfare and disorder the golden age was a period of order and democracy

In a direct democracy how do they select state public officials?

There are no officials in a direct democracy, in a direct democracy all citizens vote on all the issues, unlike a representative or an indirect democracy (which is what the united states is). In a indirect democracy citizens of voting age who are registered to vote elect officials.

Why the 1830's should be referred to as The Age of Democracy?

mrs saks will find you.