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It is unfair. Why don't we slave other people like americans or chinese

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Q: How was it important for the African Americans to be granted freedom?
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When were African Americans granted freedom?

When Abraham Lincoln Was President, He Thought Slavery Was Wrong. So Since He Was President He Was Able To Fix It

Act of 1866 granted these to all but Native Americans?

african americans

What was the civil war act of 1866?

It granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to African Americans. It granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to African Americans.

What piece of legislation granted African Americans to vote?

The piece of legislation that granted African Americans the right to vote was the Voting Rights Act of 1965. President Lydon B. Johnson signed this act into law on August 6, 1965.

What battle did King George III let the americans have their freedom?

King George III granted Americans their freedom after the Patriot victory at Yorktown.

What granted full citizenship to African Americans?

15th amendment in 1867

Why were women upset after the amendment 15?

African-Americans were given rights not granted to them

What did African Americans fight for in the 1950's and 1960's?

Basically for the same rights granted to other Americans

What two nations held the greatest number of African colonies at the time they were granted freedom?

Britain and France.

What were four affects of the war on African Americans?

African Americans were granted the right to vote,but many of them were subdued to a sharecropper status, and as a result many of them migrated to the West and North. In addition, bulldozing in the Southern states after the war, limited the political power of the African Americans.

Why did the republicans reject the ten percent plan?

they believed that african americans should be granted full citizenship

Which piece of legislation granted African Americans the legal right to vote A. the 15th Amendment B. the Voting Rights Act C. the 19th Amendment D. the Indian Citizenship Act?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 granted African Americans the legal right to vote.