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The Hitler youth was important to the third riech because, the people in the hitler youth would be future Nazi SS soldiers,so it was important to train them to be benefitial to Germany during the war

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Hitler used German youth as a message to German soldiers and citizens it was a way for him to say if young people can do it anybody can.

P.S look me up on facebook Trey Wallace

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Q: Why was youth in nazi Germany significant?
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After Hitler and the Nazi Party took control of Germany in 1933, the Nazi's began to use propaganda to infuse the nation's youth with the ideals (so-called ) of the Nazi style of fascism. The "Hitler Youth" was formed as a sort of American "Boy Scouts" and the children of Germany were educated in Nazi beliefs at an early age. The Nazi's even developed a program of awarding families who had multiple offspring to continue to populate Germany.

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The League of German Girls (German: Bund Deutscher Mädel or BDM), was the female branch of the overall Nazi party youth movement, the Hitler Youth. It was the only female youth organization in Nazi Germany. Source: wikipedia

What are the Nazi youth called?

The Nazi Youth Movement was called the Hitler Youth (in German die Hitlerjugend).

What was the group that Hitler founded?

The formation of the Hitler Youth, the National Socialist youth group of Germany, was attributed to him. He was not, however, the founder of the National Socialist (Nazi) party itself.

Why did the nazi- Soviet pact happen?

So both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia would have time to build of significant military forces to attack and defend/counter-attack. (Respectively)

Who rule over Nazi germany?

The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

Was Pope John Paul II a Nazi?

At the age of 14 all boys in Nazi Germany were automatically enrolled in the Hitler Youth group which meant that young Ratzinger was a member. However, he never attended meetings. Later he was drafted into the army and was assigned to the anti aircraft group. He deserted his post and returned home.

What relationship did Hitler have with the Nazi Germany?

He was the leader of Nazi Germany .

What country annexes Austria and the Sudetenland?

Nazi Germany

Who was the Nazi in Germany?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.

Which is more important in enabling the Nazis to influence young people in Germany?

I hope there are not still Nazis trying to influence young people in Germany. Germany negotiated a "concordant" with the Catholic Church and in the agreement, the Catholic Church agreed to disband the Catholic Political party and the Catholic Youth organization. This allow for the rise of the Nazi Party and the Hitler Youth.