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Q: How was the end of the Inca empire similar to the end of the Aztec empire?
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How was the end of the Inca similar to the end of the Aztec empire?

thats what i want to know smartone

How did the Aztec empire come to an end?

Fernando cortes conquered the inca and killed their ruler

How was the end of of the Inca empire similar to the end of the Aztecs empire?

thats what i want to know smartone

What disease contributed to the end of the Aztec empire?


Why did the Aztec t Empire end?

Rape. and disease

What country put an end to the Aztec Empire?


Who was the ruler of the end of the Aztec empire?

some guy

What led to the end Inca empire?

the spanish people did when they came from Europe

How did the messages get from one end of the Inca empire to the other?

they sent servants to give a say to the other empire

What caused the end of the Inca Empire?

small pox disease, this was caused by the spanish when they concer the inca so due to that led to the depopulation in Inca empire so make easy collapse and the Spanish took the area

Who put an end to the Inca empire?

Th Spanish people who came from Europe did.

Which explorer brought the incan civilization to an end?

Francisco Pizzaro was the conquistador who brought the Inca empire to an end.