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Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

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Both India and Vietnam were divided into two countries. (India and Pakistan, and North and South Vietnam).

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Q: How was the outcome of Vietnam's independence movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?
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What french document created during the French Revolution is similar to the ZAmerican Declaration of Independence?

The document was created when the France revolution started and ended to declare who won and peace

Why did some countries gain independence peacefully while others faced violent struggles?

There are several different factors that govern how hard a country fights to keep a part that wants independence and how hard that part fights back. When a region expresses a desire for indepencence, the reaction of the government of the parent country is based on the answers to several questions. Natural Resources: Does the region supply a natural resource, the loss of which would create a hardship? Type of government: Which matters more: the desire of the ruler or ruling body or the desire of the majority of the people? International respect: Would those countries with which a favorable relationship is desired respond better to a reaction of belligerance or a reaction of benevolence? Motives for independence: How flexible is each side regarding the issues creating the desire for independence? Burden or asset: Has the territory been a burden? Would we be better off without them? Learn from history: How have other countries in similar situations in the past reacted, why, and what was the outcome?

Why did India form a government like Britain's after gaining independence?

The government of the new nation of india was set up as a parlimentary democracy, similar to governments in Britain, Germany, and other western nations.

How were the North American and Latin American revolutions similar?

Both saw colonies win their independence from European empires. Apex

What would the world be like without the crusades?

It is almost impossible to answer such questions. No one is able to say what the world would be like if something had not happened. It is equally difficult with similar questions that ask what would be different had the outcome of something been different. Had Germany won the first or second world war for instance. Many fictional authors create speculative stories on such premises. But that is all they are, speculation.

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How was the outcome of Vietnams independence movement in 1947 similar to the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

How was the outcome of Vietnam's independence movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of indias independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

How was the outcome of Vietnam's independence movement in 1954 similar the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

How was the outcome of Vietnam independent movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

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How was the outcome of Vietnam independence movement movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

India split up because of religious conflicts, but Vietnam split up because of political differences. (APEX)---> India and Vietnam were split up into multiple countries.

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Both agreements were broken when Germany attacked protected territories.

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