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Sound travels through water much better than it travels through air. In air, sound travels at about 330 m/sec (metres per second). In seawater it travels at about 1,490 m/s (better 1.49km/sec). Sound also travels much further through water than it does though air. This is the way humpback whales can communicate over very long distances with their singing.

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Q: How well does sound travel through water?
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Can sound travel through water or wood?

I am not sure about wood, but sound travels through water VERY well.

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The bad thing about sound energy is that it doesn't travel as well through air as it does through a solid such as wood, or water.

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well, I've been told that it travels through water at about 3400mph.

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Well light is an electromagnetic wave and it pushes itself through space ,but sound requires particles to travel through and if there are no particles for it to travel through you have no sound

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How sound waves travel through a material?

Vibrations travel through the material, just as they would in air. How well they travel through depends on the material.

Does vibrations of a earthquake or sound in water travel faster?

Well, let's look. Sound (compressional) waves need a medium to travel through (the ground, the water of the ocean.) Now let's compare densities of the medium. The denser the medium, the longer the sound waves take to travel. Now I think you can figure this one out.

Can energy go through water?

Absolutely! Electric energy, kinetic energy, sound waves, light waves, heat ... all kinds of energy travel very well through water.

Can sound travel around corner?

Sound certainly can travel around corners. Sound can also travel through hard surfaces like walls and bathroom surfaces as well.

What material does sounds not travel well through?

Sound doesn't travel through any gases very well, Sound travels 10 times faster and much further (about 20Km) in liquids, and sound travels even better in solids as particles are closer together. Just so you know, sound DOES NOT travel through a vacuum (e.g space).

Which is best to be pushed through a pipe a solid a liquid or a gas?

Well, I don't know what can be PUSHED through a pipe but i know that sound can travel through pipes, water can travel through pipes and gases can travel through pipes. But solids don't have a chance! How do you think we get our water in our homes? It travels through pipes of course! I hoped this helped a little. Thank You!

Can sound waves travel through an elastic material?

Yes. And very rapidly as well, depending on the coefficient of elasticity. Metals, for example, tend to be highly elastic. Sound waves travel well through metal.