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The Jews were isolated in Europe in ways such as Jewish quarters and wearing "yellow stars" or the symbol of the Jewish faith. They often put Jews in ghettos.

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You need to give a timeframe and a place or region.

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14y ago

they killed everyone that didn't


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14y ago

They didn't I guess they rounded them up and forced them to live in ghettos.

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Q: How did Germans explain that Jews needed to be isolated?
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What were ghetos for Jews?

Ghettos were the places they kept the Jews. The ghettos were isolated, enclosed communities that the Germans kept the Jews in. Ghettos were where the Jews were forced to live, under horrible conditions.

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Russia's Jews were easy targets. They often lived in small, isolated villages, had been treated badly by the Russians.

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smuggling more often than bribery.

Was propaganda useful for Germans?

Yes, because they needed to reach all Germans and change their point of few on Jews and gain their support.

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No, not all Germans hates the Jews. However, the particular group of Germans that hates the Jews were called the Nazi Germans.

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

Why did the Germans feel that they needed to kill the Jews?

Hitler told them to. They didn't actually kill them. But then.... what Hitler said goes

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The Germans worked the Jews to death by having them as sleves

How did adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews help help the nazi party secure power in Germany?

He blamed Jews for Germany's problems and encouraged Germans to join the Nazis in attacking Jews.

What happened to the Germans when they liberated the Jews?

There's a muddle here. The surviving Jews were liberated by the Allies, not by the Germans.

How did Germans accept the extermination of Jews?

Germans were not told that the Jews were being exterminated at the time, they believed that the Jews were being re-settled in the east.

What did the Jews of sighet think of the Germans in the book night?

the jews thought that the germans were awful people. That the germans had brought them to hell. (my english professor told me this answer)