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Q: How will fragile x syndrome affect the person emotionally?
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What is the life expectancy of a person with fragile x syndrome?

Early diagnosis and intensive intervention offer the best prognosis for individuals with fragile X syndrome. Adults with fragile X syndrome may benefit from vocational training and may need to live in a supervised setting. Life span is typically normal

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What impact does Marfan syndrome have on the ability to learn?

Marfan syndrome by itself does not affect a person's intelligence or ability to learn.

Is cri du chat syndrome life threatening?

no but it can drastically affect a person

How does the Williams syndrome affect the person who has it?

people might make fun of them, of how they look.

Will a person with fragile x syndrome be able to live independently?

Fragile X, like autism, is a spectrum disorder, which could result in anything from mild learning disabilities to severe impairment. Individuals can live independently, with or without supports. I recommend the documentary "Living with Fragile X" if you have the opportunity to see it.

How might bullying affect a person emotionally and physically?

Look up Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

What is Ego syndrome?

Ego syndrome is not a medically recognized term, but it comes in many forms. One is runaway ego syndrome, which occurs when someone keeps bragging on themselves. This syndrome is usually intensified with alcohol. Another is fragile white ego syndrome, in which a white person bases their worth in part on pride of being white, which is a false pride that is easily threatened.

How can emotions affect your physical health?

Emotions can affect our physical health. A emotionally strong person would be healthy while weak one would not be healthy.

What is emotionally healthy person?

The word used to describe an emotionally healthy person is "sane".

What is the life span of a person who has high-functioning autism?

Autism and Asperger's Syndrome do not affect the life span of an individual.

What happens to an emotionally unstable person if not medicated?

They stay emotionally unstable.