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As being awful.
Odysseus most likely would describe Calypso as a tall, beautiful woman who is smart, clever and a Titan.

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Q: How would Odysseus most likely describe Calypso?
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How would Odysseus describe Calypso?

Tall, Beautiful, Titan, Bossy, Clever, Smart

What does Calypso do to keep Odysseus from leaving her?

Calypso and Odysseus become lovers. Calypso offers Odysseus immortality and eternal youth if he would stay with her. Calypso does not aid Odysseus' escape until told to do so, so he seemed trapped on her island without a ship.

How does calypso secretly try to mainpulate Odysseus to stay?

Calypso offers Odysseus immortality and eternal youth if he would stay with her forever.

If Odysseus stayed with calypso what would he never experience?


What news does Hermes bring to Calypso?

Zeus sent Hermes to order Calypso to free Odysseus and send him on his way home. Calypso greeted Hermes and honored him with ambrosia and red nectar. He told her of Zeus' demands as they ate. She was upset that Zeus would ask her give up her lover but she did not refuse. If Odysseus wanted to stay with Calypso then Zeus would permit it, but if Odysseus wanted to leave, Calypso could not use her charms to stop him. She thought that Odysseus might change his mind if he understood her love and power. She offered Odysseus immortality and endless youth but he was determined to return to his home or die trying. Calypso accepted her fate and agreed to let Odysseus leave unhindered. She refused to supply Odysseus with a raft or ship but she gave him some tools and the skillful Odysseus built a raft for himself. When it came time to leave, Calypso in her loving nature, gave Odysseus provisions and sent him on his way with a fair wind to speed him home. Calypso and Odysseus had two daughters, Nausithoos and Nausinoos.

Why was Odysseus reluctant at first to believe calypso?

he was unsure that she would let him go.

How was Odysseus freed from calypso?

He promised Vanessa Williams he would make love to her

Why is Calypso wary of Hermes' visit to her island?

She sensed she would have to let Odysseus leave.

Who did calypso predict would kill Odysseus?

Calypso does not offer predictions for Odysseus, instead forcing him to remain with her as her lover even though he wanted to return home to his wife. He receives a prediction from Tiresias who advises him troubles are to come and he will lose all of his companions.

Does Calypso have a cousin or ANY male relative?

Calypso as daughter of Atlas would have for uncles the brothers of Atlas: Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoitios. Her brother would be Hyas or Hyes, although the mother of Calypso is unknown, and the mother of Hyes is Pleione or Aethra, daughter of Oceanus. By the hero Odysseus, Calypso had sons : Latinus (meaning, the Latin) or a son named Telegonos or Teledamos (who is otherwise a son of Circe and Odysseus), or two sons named Nausithoos and Nausinoos.

Why did Zeus want to distrupt the seas when Odysseus leaves Calypso's island?

It's not Zeus that is disrupting the seas after Odysseus leaves Calypso's island; it is Poseidon. Athena went to Zeus to ask for his help to get Odysseus home and Zeus agreed that he would allow Odysseus to try and get home. Poseidon, on the other hand, hates the Greeks and especially hates Odysseus because he killed his son the cyclops, Polyphemus.

Does Odysseus attain immortality?

Odysseus is offered immortality and eternal youth by the goddess Calypso if he would stay with her, but Odysseus is drawn by his faithfulness to his wife to refuse Calypso. Odysseus strives to attain immortality, not by living forever, but by gaining a reputation that will have bards telling of his achievements. In this since, Odysseus achieves total immortality. In the since that he lives forever, alas, Odysseus is out of luck. Apparently between the giant cyclops and the feasting he forgot to look for the fountain of youth.