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If the mutation were in the gametes. Male and female reproductive cells.

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Q: How would a mutation affect the next generation?
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How can mutation affect the mRNA?

Mutations not only change the DNA, but a change to the DNA will change the mRNA. This explains why a mutation in one generation can be passed on to the next generation.

What will mutation do if it does not occur in sex cells?

Mutations which do not occur in sex cells are not passed on to the next generation. The mutation will only affect the individual. They could therefore have normal offspring.

Which kind of mutation has the greater potential to affect the evolution of a population a mutation to a body cell or a mutation in an egg cell?

Mutations that occur during gametogenesis (formation of egg and sperm) are called germ-line mutations. They are more significant than somatic mutations (which occur in body cells) because they can be transmitted to the next generation whereas somatic mutations are not transmitted to the next generation.

How are mutations passed from on generation to the next?

The DNA replicates with the mutation on it, spreading it

What mutation occurs in a brain cell this mutation will be passed on to?

A mutation taking place in brain cell can't be passed on to next generation but it may cause a tumor .

What will mutation do if it occurs in a sex cell?

There offspring with mutations

Can a Mutation can be called a Deformity?

A mutation can be called a deformity, because a mutation is passed on, it is like a gene being passed down the pedigree, and in the pedigree there can be a deformity that will be passed on to the next generation. :.

Can a cat eye syndromoe chromosomal mutation be passed on to the next generation?

Potentially, any genetic mutation can be passed on...... i think to tell you the truth WOT THE HELLL U ON ABOUT

Where does a mutation have to occur for it to passed to the next generation?

In the cells that will divide to become eggs or sperm (or the eggs or sperm themselves).

What is the difference between heredity and mutation?

Heredity is how information is based from one generation to the next; encoded in the DNA molecule. A mutation is a mistake that is made in the DNA. Most mutations have no affect, some are harmful, and a small number confer an advantage. Natural Selection works to eliminate the harmful and enhance the beneficial.

Could a mutation in a cell in the liver of a human be passed on?

For a mutation to be passed onto the next generation it must be on sex chromosome. If mutation occurs in somatic cells of our body, it will not be passed on to the offspring(s). Mutation that changes one or few base pairs in the DNA is called point mutation.

What marks a generation?

as each "generation" is born and then grows to have children of their own, that marks a generation. Generally considered to be about 20 years per generation. So your grandparents would be a generation, your parents would be the next generation, you would be the next generation & your kids & so on...