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1) make the sentence two sentences

2) add a semi-colon or colon, where appropriate

3) add the correct conjunction to join the two thoughts

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Q: How would you edit a sentence to correct a comma splice?
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How would you see if a sentence had a comma splice?

If a sentence consists of two independent clauses with a comma between them, it is a comma splice. That is, the part before the comma can stand on its own as a sentence, and the part after the comma can also stand on its own as a sentence, then it is a comma splice. If there is no punctuation there instead of a comma, it is known as a run-on sentence.

How would you see ia a sentence had a comma splice?

A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined by only a comma. If each of the two parts separated by the comma can stand on its own as a complete sentence, then you have a comma splice.Example: I did not get any sleep before my early flight, I slept on the plane.Each of the two parts can stand alone as a sentence: "I did not get any sleep before my early flight." "I slept on the plane."When these two parts are joined by only a comma, the result is a comma splice.

Does this sentence has comma splice keeping a journal is satisfying you prefer taping your thoughts to writing them down?

No, it is not a comma splice, but rather a run-on sentence, which is similar. Both comma splices and run-on sentences contain independent clauses that are not properly joined. In this example, the two independent clauses are "keeping a journal is satisfying" and "you prefer taping your thoughts to writing them down." In a comma splice, these clauses would be separated by a comma: "Keeping a journal is satisfying, you prefer taping your thoughts to writing them down." In a run-on sentence, one independent clause follows another with no punctuation or words separating them. An example is the sentence asked about.

What is the difference between a comma splice and a fused sentence?

A comma splice and a fused sentence are essentially the same thing: they are both incorrectly punctuating two independent clauses if not two sentences. An example of a comma splice would be: I need to do my homework, the assignment is due tomorrow. The reason this is a comma splice is because the comma is too "weak" to hold the two independent clauses together. You can correct the sentence in the following ways: I need to do my homework; the assignment is due tomorrow. I need to do my homework, and the assignment is due tomorrow. I need to do my homework. The assignment is do tomorrow. I need to do my homework because the assignment is due tomorrow. Fixing comma splices really depends on what it is that you are trying to say, but the constant factor is that there is a comma being used to separate two independent clauses, and a comma can never do that. The difference between a comma splice and a fused sentence is that while a comma splice uses a comma incorrectly to separate two independent clauses, fused sentences don't use any punctuation, and so the sentence literally becomes "fused". Take the previous example: I need to do my homework the assignment is due tomorrow. If you are still having trouble understanding comma splices and fused sentences, try looking up and studying the following terms: -Dependent Clause -Independent Clause -Coordinating Conjunction -Subordinating Conjunction -How to use a semi-colon -When to use a comma

What item needs to be added to a sentence that is a comma splice?

A conjunction needs to be added to a sentence in order to prevent a comma splice. A conjunction is a "connector word;" they are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Two independent clauses (sentences) cannot be hooked together by a comma; they can only be connected with a semicolon or made into to individual sentences. However, you can connect them with the appropriate conjunction.For example: I would love to go to the movies, but I have a lot of homework to finish this weekend.

Do you use a comma before you?

There is not rule that says you must use a comma before the word you exclusively. You would have to use a comma if the sentence would require one. Now if you were writing down the slang of 'you are' you would write it like this; you're. There must have been a sentence example for your homework assignment and your teacher wanted to know if you needed to use a comma in that sentence. Here is an example of the correct usage of the comma. I celebrate Easter, you don't, but I do every year.

Is the sentence tomorrow your friend will arrive at new delhi correct?

Yes, but the "tomorrow" would be better at the end of the sentence so that no comma will be necessary.

Would the sentence 'If I were rich I would buy a mansion' be grammatically correct?

No, you need to add a comma after rich. If I were rich, I would buy a mansion.

How would you use the word doddering in a sentence?

The man next door wasn't very stable on his feet, he was a doddering old man The preceding is a run-on sentence (comma splice). You need a semi-colon or a period between "feet" and "he."

Does a comma go after though if its the start of the sentence?

yesAnother view"I don't think the first answer is correct. For example, in the sentence:Though it was very cold outside, she did not wear a coat.If the sentence were to be reworded though, then a comma would go after it.

Do you use a comma after but?

In general, no, but there are some situations in which using a comma after "but" is correct. If the word "but" is followed by an expression that needs to be set off by commas, then you would put a comma after "but" and another comma after the expression. Here is an example: I was going to say no, but, because you have presented such a persuasive argument, I have decided to allow it. An example of a more typical sentence using "but", where there is a comma before but not after "but", is the first sentence in this answer.

Is there a comma after told?

It depends on what the sentence is. If it's "I told him" for example, then there would not be a comma.