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By entering an open watershed

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Q: How would you expect the tritium to get to the ocean?
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How many atoms of tritium are in 3.75kg in water?

Vienna ocean mean water has 1.85 +/- 0.36 x 10^-11 pmm of tritium

Which component of ocean water is used by mankind in nuclear fusion reaction?

Deuterium and Tritium

In which ocean would you NOT expect to experience a tropical cyclone?

Either the Arctic Ocean or the Antarctic Ocean, since neither has a tropical component.

Would you expect to find calcium chloride in ocean water?

what do you expeat to find in calcium chloride in ocean water

Would you expect to find a folded mountain range at a mid-ocean ridge?

You would expect to find a fold mountain range at a convergent or collision boundary rather than at a divergent boundary such as a mid ocean ridge.

Would you expect to see folded mountains range at mid ocean ridges?


What would be the source of fuel required by a fusion reactor?

Deutrium and tritium are needed as fuel in fusion reactor.

Can you use tritium as moderator in nuclear reactors?

Yes, but it would usually be too expensive as tritium must be made in a reactor from lithium.

Where would you expect to find an aquifer?

You can find an aquifer in the ocean right near the sea wall.

A portion of the ocean floor moves rapidly downward what type of wave would you expect?


What is the bottom of the ocean like?

The bottom of the ocean is colder. The sun heats the top of the ocean first and then heats lower. In a nutshell, the top of the ocean is warmer and the deeper you go the colder.

Can you use tritium water as moderator in nuclear reactor?

Yes, but it would usually be too expensive as tritium must be made in a reactor from lithium.