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Just say your food is not available and maybe give them a choice of food that was close to what they ordered.

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Q: How would you handle a flight passenger in a situation where the food item they wanted was not available as a flight attendant?
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What was the worst situation you faced of being a flight attendant?

When having to restrain an unruly passenger.

What should a flight attendant do when dealing with a disgruntled passenger?

It is really depend on the situation. Ask the passenger the problem and what you can do help.

What is a flight attendant require to do in case of an incident?

The Flight attendants are there for passenger safety. What they do will vary depending on the incident.

How do you say 'flight attendant' in French?

"Flight attendant" in French is "h

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Air Florida flight 90 passenger list?

There was a passenger list for this flight, of the 5 surviving passenger only three remain alive today. Flight Attendant Kelly Duncan, Joe Staley, and Priscilla Torado are the only one's left. Try to find a news paper from January 14th 1982 I believe the Passenger list was published.

Why do you need to be able to swim while being a flight attendant?

A flight attendant's duties include managing passenger evacuation in the event of an emergency. It's possible that an aircraft may have to land in the sea or on a body of water, so it's essential that flight attendants can swim to be able to assist passengers.

Do flight attendants have many options for career advancement?

within the ""Flight Attendant"" career path there are advancement opportunities.&After working as a flight attendant for a couple of years, you can move on to supervise, then to a check Flight Attendant, then to a Supervisor of Flight Attendant groups, then a Base Manager (managing the entire flight attendant base) then to a VP or Director level position as Manager of Inflight.

What is a sentence with attendant in it?

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What is the British English word for flight attendant?

flight attendant = air host / air hostess

How do you answer best qualities for flight attendant?

genuine liking for people,curious about people and places,confident and great in diffusing tense situation.

Do you need to go to colllege to become a flight attendant in Cambodia?

To become a flight attendant,We have to go to college.