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I think that the sytem of the leadership is. By begin nice to my classroom and begin repestfull to our school and to everybudy.

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Q: How would you think i should classify the system of leadership at your school or in your classroom?
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Just donate it to the school. If you could not really decide which to donate it, then sell the furniture then divide the profit between the shelter and the school.

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depends some school offer them well most schools so you wouldn't have to deal it because every school should offer it and they should not tell you that you have to purchase them

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As a Sunday School Student for many years, I feel that the behavior should be good behavior; the same expection of any classroom setting. I think this should be more highly expected from Sunday School students because they are learning how to live a more moralistic life. The Judeo-Christain rule is that you treat others as you would want to be treated holds true here. I believe, as a student with a minister father and a Sunday school teacher for a mom, that if the teacher as well as the students follow this golden rule the classroom environment will always be heavenly one.

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Do children have to go to school to be taught?

No you should learn something new every day. Some say that the "classroom" is the worst place to learn. It is better for young children to be in real world situations. The "classroom" is to keep order.

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To connect with anyone in the classroom, you should be friendly and open minded. You should not close your mind to meet new people. You should not be afraid to commit mistake since you are in the classroom your bound to learn in that area.