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They can look them up to see if they are a real body shop.

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Q: How would your auto insurance company know if the auto body shop is legal?
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What is the best company for MA Auto Insurance?

I would check out for auto insurance in MA

How can you change a signed auto insurance settlement?

You don't. A signed settlement is a legal binding agreement between you and the insurance company.

What happens if you have a wreck without auto insurance in Texas?

If there was a police officer involved then you would probably be cited for not having auto insurance. If you are found to be at fault then legal action could be brought against you by either the other party or the other parties insurance company.

How do you start an auto insurance company in Texas?

How do I start an auto insurance company in Texas?

When was Safe Auto Insurance Company created?

Safe Auto Insurance Company was created in 1993.

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What auto insurance company has the codenumber 962?

Is it a good idea to have legal insurance with your auto insurance?

Legal insurance is not the same as auto insurance; legal insurance is simply a retainer that is paid to an attorney or lawyer so that they can be help in counsel if they are needed. Auto insurance, depending on the level and premium paid, provides coverage in case of an accident.

Who reimburse your health insurance provider that paid for medical bills if you received a settlement from your auto insurance you or auto insurance?

The insurance company would pay them directly to make sure they are paid.

Can you use the money from the insurance company to buy a new equipment instead of fixing it?

You are not obligated to spend your auto insurance settlement claim check on a particular kind of repair. In fact, after payout, the auto insurance company has no legal ability to control or restrict how you spend your settlement money.

Where would one go to process an auto accident personal injury insurance claim?

One would or could go to various places. These places include the DMV, or the auto insurance company which distributes their auto insurance to claim an auto accident personal injury insurance claim.

Is Auto Owners Insurance Company a parent company of Utica Mutual Insurance Group?

No. Auto-Owners is the parent company of Owners Insurance, Southern-Owners Insurance, Property Owners Insurance, Home-Owners Insurance, Auto-Owners Life Insurance. They have no affliation with Utica

Who ownes the 21st Century Insurance auto insurance company?

The 21st Century auto insurance company is a company that is owned by the Farmers Insurance Group of companies. The company headquarters is located in Wilmington, Delaware.