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You can estimate by measuring fundal height and using Naegel's rule or have an ultrasound to detect age of pregnancy.

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Q: How you can count how many week you have when you are pregnant?
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How many weeks pregnant is the mum when the embryo is a week old?

The women has been pregnant for a week, although most doctors count from the date since the woman's last period.

Can you be pregnant if you don't have a period the week after?

if you are having unprotected sex, your chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, do not count on a 'safe time" or ovulation dates.

How do you know what week your dogs pregnancy is in?

count the weeks since shes been pregnant, theirs 7 days in a week. i figured id tell you that because your stupid

How many people get pregnant in a week?

aboute 50,000 a week i all depends

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Is it possible to get pregnant at 1 week?

No clue as to what your questioning is asking,yeah you can have sex and be pregnant in a week,that means your a week pregnant.

How many working days are in a week?

Generally there are 5 in a working week because Saturday and Sunday don't count

How will you know if how many weeks your pregnant?

Doctors consider the week of your last period to be the first week of pregnancy (even though you aren't even pregnant at that point)!

When you find out your pregnant how many weeks do you go back to find out when you got pregnant?

Actually, how many weeks along you are goes by the first day of your last cycle. If you have a perfect 28 day cycle; then you would count back two weeks and that would be around the time you ovulated, if you found out the week of your missed period.

What if your hcg count is 2500 how many weeks pregnant would you be?

5 -6 weeks

If your health is a week late are you pregnant?

if your health is a week late could you be pregnant.

Does tramadol effect sperm count?

yes is does, reduce by 20 millions or 40 millions, and no chance to get pregnant. Stay off drugs for a week and should be ok.