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The receptor cells in your body or muscles detect the effect and then it sends an electrical signal to the brain which then sends back a signal to the effector which is a muscle to activate a movement. This is called the 'Reflex Arc' and it includes more complex thing s that is not mentioned in here as this is a simplified piece of information.

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Q: How your nervous system responds to harm?
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Which part of the body responds to stimuli?

The nervous system.

What diseases can harm your system?

Various nervous diseases can harm your nervous system. One of the major of them is Huntington's.

What are two main jobs of the nervous system?

The nervous system takes in sensory information from the peripheral nervous system. This information is then directed to the central nervous system which then responds with a motor reaction that travels back to the peripheral nervous system.

What body system receives information from inside and outside the body and responds to that?

Nervous system

What body system receives information from the inside and outside the body and responds to that information?

Nervous system

What body system receives information from the inside outside the body and responds to that information?

Nervous system

What body system receives information from inside and outside the body and responds to the information?

Nervous system

What body system receives information from inside to outside the body and responds to that information?

Nervous system

What body system receive information from inside and outside the body and responds to that information?

Nervous system

What is the speed at which the nervous system responds to things?

High five, too slow.

What part of the nervous system responds to stimuli?

The parts of the nervous system that respond to stimuli are called the sensory nervous system. This includes touch, pressure, hot and cold, sound, light, and taste.

Does the nervous system involves to stimuli?

Any internal or external change that brings about a response is called a stimulus. As a key homeostatic regulatory and coordinating system, the nervous system detects, interprets, and responds to changes in external and internal conditions.