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Hydrogen and chlorine are chemical elements, not compounds

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Q: Hydrogen and chlorine are pure substances of what?
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Hydrogen and chlorine are pure substances or chemical elements?

they are chemical elements

Is hydrochloric acid a homo or hetero mixture or pure substance element or compound?

Hydrogen is a pure substance because it is an element

Is Chlorine A Pure Substances?

NO I'ts not I think ask a professional Chlorine is an pure substance in that is is one of the elements, atomic number 17

What substances do you get from salt?

Examples: sodium, chlorine, hydrogen, sodium hydroxide.

How many hydrogen atoms are in chlorine?

None: Hydrogen and chlorine are both chemical elements and therefore do not contain any other chemical substances.

Carbon and hydrogen are examples of pure substances or?


What substances form from the reaction of hydrogen and chlorine gas?

The compound hydrogen chloride, with formula HCl.

Name three substances obtained from common salt?

chlorine,hydrogen and sodium hydroxide

What would chlorine look like with no other substances mixed into it?

Chlorine forms a pale, Yellow- Green gas in its pure state.

is tap water in a glass pure substances or mixture?

Tap water is not a pure substance. Water has particles in it. Some tap water also contains fluoride. Distilled water has all of the particles taken out of it and is considered pure water.

How many substances are present in a water and salt mixture?

depends on what salt it is and the purity of the water. if the water is 100% pure , then it contains only hydrogen and oxygen as molecules and if it is common salt then it contains sodium and chlorine as molecules

What ionic compound is formed when hydrogen and chlorine combine?

The compound formed when hydrogen and chlorine combine is hydrogen chloride, with formula HCl. In pure form, this compound has highly polar covalent bonds, but when dissolved in water, the compound ionizes.