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Polar Covalent Bond. This is when a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms in a molecule but the electrons are not equally shared. Because the Oxygen atom has a stronger pull on the electrons than the Hydrogen, the electrons will be more drawn to the Oxygen atom.

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Q: Hydrogen and oxygen are what type of bonds?
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What type of bonds hold hydrogen and oxygen together in h20?

Ionic bonds

What type of bond holds hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the molecule h2o?

The hydrogen and oxygen are held together by polar covalent bonds.

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Yes, it can! The hydrogen bonds with oxygen thus forming a hydrogen bond. (OH)

What does bonds hydrogen and oxygen?

The sharing of electrons is what bonds hydrogen and oxygen together.

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Water has two main bonds: hydrogen bonds between other water molecules, and a covalent bond between hydrogen and oxygen.

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The hydrogen-oxygen and carbon-oxygen bonds are polar covalent bonds. In turn, these polar covalent bonds can lead to hydrogen bonds forming between ethanol molecules and some other molecules.

How many hydrogen bonds does Oxygen have?

Oxygen doesn't have any hydrogen bonds. A hydrogen bond is when a hydrogen atom is bonded with an electronegative atom, such as oxygen. Oxygen all by itself does not have hydrogen bonded to it. It is simply written as 02.

What type of bond is between oxygen atoms in water?

In water, oxygen atoms form covalent bonds with hydrogen.

What types of bonds are present in table sugar?

The type of bonds that are present in table sugar are covalent bonds. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen comprise these covalent bonds.

What type of bonds does hydrogen form?

Hydrogen bonds with hydrogen bond acceptor atoms such as Oxygen. Covalent bonds with nearly anything.

Hydrogen bonding is a type of?

Hydrogen bonding is when two water molecules get close enough and the hydrogen bonds in the molecule form a bond to other oxygen bonds. The reason this occurs is because to the charges in the elements. The hydrogen bonds have a slight positive charge while the oxygen bonds have a slight negative charge. They connect because opposite charges attract.

What type of bonds hold separate water molecules together?

Hydrogen bonds hold water molecules to each other. They're the strongest of the Van der Waal's forces.