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You may file a petition for genetic testing with the courts. Your chances of success vary depending on the jurisdiction and the amount of time that has passed since you signed the acknowledgment of paternity.

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Q: I'm on the birth certificate but not the bio father. how can I get my name off the birth certificate?
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Can bio-mother add step father to birth certificate without notifying biological father and step father not adopted child?

no, changing the birth certificate requires adoption, and can only be done if the birth father's parental rights have been terminated.

Man signed birth certificate that's not the father there is a bio father and the child is not living with the mother which is unfit so does the bio father have full custody?

No, as he has no legal rights to the child even if he sign the certificate himself. You will need to file for custody. see links below.

Can i put a man that is not biologically my child's father on her birth certificate if he voluntarilly signs paternitythere is no name father named on her birth cert bio father ordered to pay support?

Too many people involved. Leave the birth certificate as it is. Let the biological father continue to pay child support. If the current man marries you and wishes to adopt the child, then that is another matter. Seek legal advice before doing anything to change the birth certificate. No. This would be fraud unless the child is adopted by your boyfriend.

Does the father have any rights if he does not sign the birth certificate and has not had anything to do with his child for 8 years since the birth?

the bio-father still has more rights as obvisouly he is the true father

What if the mother tells someone else they are the father and he is not but signs birth certificate can the bio-father pursue custody?

First, the "real" father must establish paternity - until/unless the court rules otherwise, the guy who signed the BC is the father.

Can I put my husbands name on the birth certificate if the baby isn't his?

Yes, but you will have to let them know generally they put the husband as father weather he is or not it is assumed. AnswerIt depends on where you live. If you live in the US... In some states your husband can sign a denial of paternity and the biological father can sign an acknowledgment of paternity (both of these forms must be signed!) and that allows bio-dad's name to go on the birth certificate. But in the state I live in, that is not an option-hubby's name goes on the birth certificate and remains there until a court orders otherwise, so it has to go to court.

How does a married woman add the father's name to a birth certificate if the spouse is not the father?

First need to determine if it's legal in that state. Currently in New York, an ex-husband is still required to pay child support to the child's mother who is now married to the bio dad.

Does a stepfather who raised the child since birth have more right then a bio father?

they should because the stepfather is the dad not the bio father

Does a nonbiological father have rights whose name is listed on the birth certificate?

I think that a paper with a signature should not be powerful enough to separate a creature from its creator. In this case, a father and an offspring. Legally, the father of that child is the person that signed the birth certificate, so no, the biological father does not have a right. Although, if you can get some type of blood test, then with the results you might have a chance to fight it off in court!

What happens if the name of father on birth certificate is wrong?

It's not his child to keep. The mother is comitting fraud if she knows he is not the biological father. She can ask the bio-dad to relinquish his rights and her boyfriend can adopt the child when they are married. Then he can sign the birth certificate. You do not get rights to a child just because you want to. For the child's sake there are proper legal procedures.

If a fathers name is not on the birth certificate and he has not been taken for child support and he does not want custody does he have to give permission for the child to be adopted?

It should be sought to avoid legal problems. With a 60% rate of fathers being denied access to their child, not being involved is not necessary the case. But, in Kansas, if the father did not begin paying child support during the pregnancy, he cannot challenge an adoption.

Can you be put on child surpport if you did not sign birth certicate?

Not signing a birth certificate does not remove one's responsibility. If you are not the bio parent of the child, attempt to arrange for testing that will be evidence of that. Otherwise, you are the parent of a child.