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The 16 year old female is legally responsible for herself, since marriage emancipates you. There is no marriage where a spouse is your legal guardian. Marriage is equal.

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Q: I'm a sixteen year old married female who is legally responsible your spouse or parents?
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Are parents legally responsible for children aged sixteen?


Can you legally move out in iowa at age 16?

Sixteen is not the same as 18. Until you are an adult, Iowa law says the parents are responsible for the minor.

Can you legally object to a sixteen year old getting married?

It takes parental consent to marry at 16 so if the parents agree to it, there is nothing you can do.

Can you marry a twenty-six year old without your parents consent if you are sixteen years old?

If you are legally emancipated you can. Entering into marriage means entering into a legally binding contract. At 16 you cannot legally enter into a binding contract. So no, you can't LEGALLY get married.

If you are going to high school and have a stable place to live can you move out of your parents house at the age of sixteen legally with their consent?

The only issue would be whether or not there was a responsible adult party.

Can you legally move out at the age of 16 in the state of Tennessee?

Even in Tennessee, sixteen is not the same age as eighteen. Until you are an adult, the law says the parents are responsible for the minor and where they live.

Does both parents have to sign for you to get married if you are sixteen and he is eighteen?

Don't do it.

Can a sixteen year old move out of her parents home legally?

Only with aprental consent.

Can a sixteen year old get married to another sixteen year old without their parents permission in Illinois?


Can a sixteen year old get married with parents consent in California?

Yes they can.

If you are sixteen can you leave home?

No, you are a minor and your parents are still responsible for your actions. You won't be considered an adult until you are 18. At 18 you can vote, join the military, sign contracts, get married.

Can a sixteen year old legally live in an apartment by herself in Texas?

Answer: Legally, no not unless you have a parents permission. Even if you did have a parents permission you really don't have say so in where you live.