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Not necessarily. I had an ectopic pregnancy that was not discovered until my 1st ultrasound at 10 weeks. I had no pain or bleeding at all.

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Q: I am 7 weeks pregnant my doctor thinks it could be an ectopic pregnancy would I be in pain?
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Can a girl have her period if she thinks she is pregnant?

If a girl thinks she is pregnant that doesn't mean that she is pregnant. A woman cannot menstruate while she is pregnant, thus if she menstruates she obviously isn't pregnant even if she thinks otherwise - although women can bleed during pregnancy this is uncommon, and not menstruation.

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It depends on your cycle regularity. Are you frequently late? You could be pregnant. Go to the doctor and get an hcg titer. I was a little late for my cycle last month. I thought I was pregnant and it turned out to be just a chemical pregnancy - where your body just thinks you are pregnant and you are not. I even had a positive pregnancy test. My period started shortly after.

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loads of us go through pregnancy symptoms when we're not pregnant our mind it play tricks on us!!!!! just get over it really cause if it came up negative your not pregnant just forget about it because the more you think about it the more your body will believe your pregnant and that's why you go through pregnancy symptoms because it on your mind all time then your body thinks your pregnant

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you could be pregnant or fake pregnancy .(where your body thinks you are but your not)

Should a woman drink alcohol if she believes she is in week two of a pregnancy?

Hello!!!! If a woman thinks she is pregnant, then NO she should not be drinking alcohol!! It really doesn't matter what week of pregnancy she "thinks" she is in. No amount of alcohol has been proven to be safe during pregnancy. Bottom line is this...If you think you might be pregnant, don't drink and go get a pregnancy test. If you are having sex, you need to talk to a health care provider about birth control.

How do you help a friend that might be pregnant?

start by encouraging her to talk to someone and find out for sure if she's pregnant or not. by failing to get the proper help, the baby's health and maybe even its life may be in danger. if she is pregnant, have her talk to her doctor to get advice. in my case, i have a friend who is a young teen who thinks she may be pregnant. i encouraged her to tell her parents and i reminded her that i will always be there for her. now she is moving on to the next step by taking a pregnancy test and seeing a doctor. i hope this article has helped you

What if the doctor can't see the baby in its womb?

It is not there and that means its a false pregenancy . Either you loss the baby or the body thinks it is pregnant but it is not .

Your doctor thinks you are 6 weeks pregnant but cant see a heart beat yet Is there somthing wrong or is it to early?

6 week pregnant but no but cant see heart beat. what does this mean and is it to early to see ?

What are be the symptoms of pregnancy while on birth control if your girlfriend recently started birth control and she is experiencing sore breasts and frequent cramps day after day for 4 days?

Birth control GIVES you pregnancy symptoms. If she thinks she is pregnant she shouldn't be taking birth control any more and should see her doctor to find out.because birth control doesn't help if you are pregnet.

You took 3 home preg test and a blood test all positive but started too bleed.can you still be pregnant?

Yes. If even he said that you felt pregnant, there is most certainly a chance of being pregnant. Even a doctor administered test is not 100% accurate. Ask for another test. If he declines, have a pregnancy test at another doctor's.

Does Schuyler Van Alen get pregnant in Lost in Time?

No, she thinks she does but it's the bond between Jack and Mimi that makes her ill, which has all the symptoms of pregnancy. You should read it, it's good.

Ive been pregnant for 2 months now i have heavy bleeding with clumps everyone thinks i miscarried have i Can someone help me?

The only way to be sure is to examined by a doctor.