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If you want two hamsters to mate then it is up to you what type. Syrian hamsters are very terrotorial and like to live on their own so their is a chance that there will be fighting if you put them together. Russians and dwarfs like to live in pairs so this might be a good idea. Remember you need to think about what you are going to do with the babies because these will again mate.

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Q: I am saving up to buy hamsters so they will have babies. I am doing a lot of research but I am confused. What kind How Many Please answer?
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Do hamsters help other hamsters babies?

Usually the mother of the hamsters wouldn't let them near their babies...

How many babies can a Campbell hamsters have?

All hamsters can have 5 - 12 babies with the average of 10 babies.

Can female hamsters hafe babies without male hamsters?

Male hamsters cannot give birth to a baby.

Why does babies touch their moms face?

Baby hamsters are born deaf, blind, and hairless. Not only do baby hamsters hump at their mother, but also at their siblings. Research has shown that this is just a territorial or a dominance trait of baby hamsters..

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How do dwarf hamsters have babies?

They mate

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What was the biggest litter of hamsters?

The biggest litter of hamsters would be 12 babies

Does a Chinese dwarf hamster have babies?

of course all hamsters have babies!

Do Hamsters have babies?

Yes, they are animals and have babies. DO NOT breed hamsters for fun. Breed when you become more experienced and responsible. You must also have people to give the hamsters to. You DO NOT want sixteen hamsters living in your house.

Do female hamsters bleed when they have babies?

They probably will.

Do male hamsters have babies?

Yes. Out their butt.