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You should not apply a second medication to close to the time you apply the first one. Your cat may do better if you bathe him to get rid of most of the flea burden. If he is too miserable, give your vet a call. Too many fleas can cause a cat to become anemic.

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Q: I used sergeants gold flea med on cat 3 days ago Can I apply frontline today as he's still scratching He's about 8 yrs old and pretty healthy but miserable from fleas.?
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Can you apply Frontline to your cat who has a cold?

Best wait until it recovers from the cold because Frontline is a chemical and some cats have a bad reaction to it, even when they are healthy. A cold means the cat's immune system is overloaded fighting off germs in the cat's body.

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Don't wste your money on flea collars, they DON'T work. Get frontline plus. It works for a long time and is perfectly healthy for dogs

Generic Frontline for Your House Pets?

When it comes to your pet's health and well-being, it is important that you use good quality medications for them. Generic Frontline is often a lot easier to afford, and it is also works just as well as the actual name brand. By purchasing generic pet medication brands, you will be able to save a lot of money and still be able to provide a healthy and happy environment for your beloved household animals.

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Frontline for dogs?

What about it? Its a monthly topical medication that is placed in the middle of their shoulder blades to keep fleas, ticks and mosquitoes off. It helps prevent heartworms (transmitted by mosquitoes), Lyme disease (transmitted by ticks(usually deer ticks)) and anemia (by a lot of fleas biting and eating the blood). It works better then other topical that you get at wal-mart or using flea collars.

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i dontknow that is why i came to ask.comin the first place.

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