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Depends on the type of bacteria. Mesophiles (the most common and commonly cultured) grow optimally at 37* Celsius (or around there, depending on the type). Thermophiles (heat loving bacteria) grow well around 60-80* C, and Psychrophiles (cold loving bacteria) grow around 15* Celsius.

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12y ago

The optimum growing temperature is different for distint bacterial groups as follows:

5o- 20oC Psychrophilic optimal, although there are some which are known to grow below 0oC

20°-55° C Mesophilia

45o- 80oC Thermophilia

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15y ago

Depends on what bacteria you are trying to grow... but usually 37 Celsius.... I think...

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14y ago

30 to 35oC rest depend upon the type of bacteria or fungi you want to grow on it

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4 degrees celsius to 60 degrees celsius

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iainnntnooo geee

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Q: What is the incubator temp for bacteria on agar to grow?
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Why doesn't the 48 to 50 C temperature of the melted agar kill most of the bacteria?

becouse we have bacteria that called hyperthermophiles organism thar can live at very high temp (80 c ) also we have thermophiles ...organism are heat lover they can live at temp (50-60)

What happens to a plate if agar is too hot?

You may kill your bacteria. To avoid this problem we "defrost" the agar in the microwave for 3-8 minutes (depending on how much you have) to liquefy it. It is important to loosen the cap of the agar container so that it doesn't explode in the microwave--never heat a closed system. When the agar comes out of the microwave it is too hot to plate with without the risk of killing your bacteria. Kepp the agar liquid by leaving in a 60 degree C water bath. When the temperature of the agar equilibrates with the bath it should be safe to use.

What happens to bacteria at 100 degrees?

most bacteria thrive in heat, multiply faster. But at very high temperature, they stop growing. Some bacteria have the ability to survive at temp of more than 100 degrees Celsius. They are known as extremophiles

How can anaerobes be maintained in pure cultures?

Anarobes can be inoculated in an agar slant using an inoculating needle. The needle is able to put the anarobes deep inside the agar. The anarobes can then grow in the anarobic environment provided. The agar slant should then be refrigerated after suitable growth is achieved.

What causes testicles to shift and move around?

Each testicle is connected to a muscle called the cremaster, and that can cause it to shift its position in the scrotum.They move up and down because sperm can only grow at a very precise temperature, which is slightly below body temp. They move up when cold to keep close to that temp but, if you are warm they descend to get away from your body heat to keep the temp lower.

Related questions

What is labortory incubator?

it is used in bacteria grow (culture), also used in lab tests which require 37.c temp.

Why are blood agar plates incubated at 35?

All agar plates are incubated at all temps because that is the best temperature for those particular bacteria to grow and reproduce quickly so a person can see results. Some agar plates get incubated at room temp around 22-24c so only certain bacteria will grow, or 30c so only yeast will grow or 37c so only E. coli will, the temp depends on what bacteria is being grown.

What temperature does bacteria grow in?

It grows best around body temp 37c

How do colonies of bacteria grow?

Bacteria or any organism have basic requirement to survive grow and multiply i.e. is food and nutrition. Bacterial colonies arise when bacterial cell get sufficient amount of nutrient and favourable condition like optimum temprature and pH. These factor influence the multiplication of bacterial cells which leads in the formation of their colonies, this can be observed in laboratory by growing bacterial cells on nutrient agar medium and on incubate it in incubator at specific temp. the colonies on petriplates of nutrient agar shows distince morphology by different bactreial species.

Why doesn't the 48 to 50 C temperature of the melted agar kill most of the bacteria?

becouse we have bacteria that called hyperthermophiles organism thar can live at very high temp (80 c ) also we have thermophiles ...organism are heat lover they can live at temp (50-60)

What happens to a plate if agar is too hot?

You may kill your bacteria. To avoid this problem we "defrost" the agar in the microwave for 3-8 minutes (depending on how much you have) to liquefy it. It is important to loosen the cap of the agar container so that it doesn't explode in the microwave--never heat a closed system. When the agar comes out of the microwave it is too hot to plate with without the risk of killing your bacteria. Kepp the agar liquid by leaving in a 60 degree C water bath. When the temperature of the agar equilibrates with the bath it should be safe to use.

What temp does agar solidi fy?

0.7% agar will solidify at around 30 deg C but it will stay solid after that at much higher temperatures.

Can bacteria grow equally on different types of medium?

Possibly. depending on the nutritional requirements of the bacteria and what the medium provides will determine the growth rate (as well as temp, pH etc)

If the chicken eggs were at room temp for a couple hours can it still hatch in an incubator if it is fertilized?

yes it can

How does an automatic egg incubator turn the eggs?

keeps the egg at the right temp, and the air around it clean

How can micro organisms be grown in a laboratory?

microorganisms can be grown in laboratory by using suitable medias and optimum condition.MEDIA;it is a artificial arrangement or a material that which allows growth and multiplication of microbe by providing suitable or optimum conditions.generally various types of microbe requires various types of media.generally most of the microbe, we studied are pathogenic.hence to grow an microbe require ideal conditions that are present in our body and tissue fluids.but no single media satisfies all essential conditions.most of media are useful up to certain level.generally these microbes utilize the food materials either by oxidation or reduction and obtain energy and grow and multiply.generally media should contain carbohydrate source,proteins for synthesis of nucleic acids,growth factors etc.ex of some medias are;agar-agar,liquid broth,mac-conkey agar media,blood agar media,lactose broth media,media containing 1% crystal violet ,media containing bile salts etc.thus these are also used for identification and study various types of nutritional requirements of microbes also.OPTIMUM CONDITIONS;it include optimum temperature and pH.optimum temperature required by various microbes differ from each other.for ex;for bacteria temp required is 37 degrees centigrade.and for fungi they require room temperature.thus temp differ for various microbes.VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE SUCH AS INCUBATOR, FOR MAINTAINING OPTIMUM TEMPERATURES.optimum pH also varies from each.for bacteria optimum pH is 7.3.some acidophilic can grow at acidic conditions ex;lactic acid bacteria.and basophilic bacteria grow at basic conditions,ex;vibrio cholera.bacteria can grow at high sugar concentrations and fungi grow at low sugar con.THUS MOST OF THE MICROBES CAN BE GROWN IN LABORATORY BY PROVIDING SUITABLE OPTIMUM CONDITIONS AND GROWTH MEDIA FOR THEIR GROWTH AND MULTIPLICATION.

Does bad bacteria grow on food if put in refrigerator hot?

It could. But that's a big what-if. Bacteria need certain temperature to grow. And while hot food in a fridge will become that temp. it will only be there for several minutes tops. Also bacteria hate cold and die when they become to cold. All being said, you can do it safely.