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In classful addressing, the class of an IP address can be determined by the value in the first octet:

0 - 126 class A

128 - 191 class B

192 - 223 class C

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Q: Identify the class of an IP address based on the network number?
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Ethernet address is really not a good term to use. I think you mean a MAC address. A MAC address is given to any device that accesses the internet. Such devices include WiFi cards, modems, and routers. These are only used by networks that devices connect to, and not by websites. They can be used for filtering and identifying devices on a network.Ip (Internet Protocol) addresses are assigned to networks (one per network) by an ISP (Internet Service Provider) such as Comcast. These are sent to everything you interact with online, so that your network, rather than your computer, is identified.Now there are two kinds of Ip addresses: internal and external. Internal are used by your network to identify each device that connects to it. External Ip's are assigned by your ISP to identify you to the world. I explained the difference more in-depth in another answer, which is right here:What_is_the_difference_between_an_Ip_address_and_a_http_address

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What is a computer connected to a network called?

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