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Yes, you can take a pregnancy test when you miss your period, or some tests claim five days before your period.

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Q: If I'm 3 or 4 weeks pregnant can you take a pregnancy test now?
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Can you take a pregnancy test if your only 3 weeks pregnant or should you wait a couple of weeks?

You can take the test now.

You think you are 3 weeks pregnant but you have not had any spotting?

Take a pregnancy test

How do you find out if your pregnant and your no where near your period?

You can take a pregnancy test from two weeks after you have had sex.A pregnancy test is always the main way to identify when you're pregnant.

How many days will it take to know your pregnant?

You can take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after sex.

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 weeks before your period if you think your pregnant?

Yes you can.

Am i pregnant if i have my period for one day?

This is not enough to determine pregnancy. Take a test 2 weeks after sex.

How many weeks pregnant do you have to be to get a positive pregnancy test?

One to two weeks.

How many days after conceiving will you know that you are pregnant?

I was 2 weeks pregnant when I found out. And I was on my period. You can take the test 2 weeks after sex, that is when the pregnancy pretty much starts.

Can you be pregnant for a month and a pregnancy test still show up negative?

If you are four weeks pregnant you will have enough hCH to have a positive pregnancy test.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks pregnant?


How many days until a missed period means your pregnant?

well when you take a pregnancy test and it come out positive you have to at least be 4 weeks pregnant for that test to positive

How many days does it take before you know your pregnant?

It takes fourteen days (two weeks) to determine if you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test.