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Q: If I had a light period normal amount of days abdominal pain BC and protection used always Pregnant?
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Which body cavity affords the least amount of protection to its internal organs?

The abdominal cavity has the least protection as it has no bones to cover it.

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Level of protection from ultra violet rays, the higher the number the better the uv-protection

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Earmuffs (over-the-ear protectors) offer the greatest amount of protection.

Can you get pregnant if i am breastfeeding and it was a very small amount of sperm and am now ovulating 2 days later?

Yes, absolutely you can get pregnant. Your paremeters may have lowered the percentage overall, but you can always become pregnant if you are not actively practicing 'birth control'.

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Waist circumference

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Can hydrodensitometry be used to gauge the amount of a person'e abdominal fat?

no, you can use waist circumference

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1000 milligrams

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Amount of guanine is always equal to cytosine

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Blaze protection, or fire protection is an enchantment applied to armor. It reduces the amount of damage done by fire and lava.

The amount of adenine will always equal what?

adenine In a DNA strand, the amount of Adenine equals the amount of Thymine, and the amount of Guanine equals the amount of Cytosine. So Adenine is your answer.

What does the father have to pay to a pregnant teen?

the amount that a father must pay a pregnant teen can only be decided by a judge in a court of law. the amount that is ordered is usually dependent upon the amount he earns from his wages.