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For most uses, yes; a license would be required. There are limited educational uses that may be considered fair.

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Q: If I make copies of a pamphlet and hand them out is that considered copyright infringement?
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What is the term for the violation of copyright?

Violation of copyright is called infringement. If the infringement is the distribution of unauthorized copies for commercial advantage or private financial gain, it may also be called "copyright piracy", which is a federal crime.

What is burning copies of a movie without paying?

Unlicensed duplication of a movie is a form of copyright infringement.

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Piracy.Added: Copyright Infringement - Theft of Intellectual Property

How do you use copyright in a sentence?

It is not necessary to formally register your work with a Copyright Office for it to be protected.

What does copyright mean in simple terms?

Copyright, in simple terms, means the right to make copies or to perform a copyrighted work in public. Violations are called "infringement" and can get you sued if not also indicted on a federal crime.

Can you make copies of old magazine advertisements for resale?

You can sell the old advertisement, but to make copies and sell the copies is very much copyright infringement. You could probably get aay with it for some time. But if you ever got caught the fines can be severe.

What is the myth when copyright does not apply?

There is a widely held, but incorrect belief that copyright does not apply when the work has been published on the internet, or that it does not apply if there is no copyright notice on something. There is also a popular myth that you cannot be sued for copyright infringement if you don't make any money on the unauthorized copies you distribute.

How soon must you copyright?

Copyright exists upon creation of a work; any copies leaving the creator's control should contain a copyright notice, but the work does not have to be registered immediately. Registration must be made before filing any form of civil action for infringement.

Where can you download Jackie Chan adventures free?

Do not download pirate copies. Only watch legal streaming video. Saving streaming video is also an infringement of copyright. Stay legal.

Under what circumstances may material be reproduced without infringement of a copyright?

reproduction for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research

What are the rules about copying professional photos?

Often professional photographers retain the copyright to pictures they take so it is technically illegal to make your own copies. Stores like Wal-Mart sometimes adopt policies to prevent any complaints about aiding copyright infringement. Your options include trying other stores, buying copies from the original photographer, or getting the original photographer to sign a release allowing copies to be made.

How am I infringing on copyright laws if I'm selling an item on eBay?

If what you're offering to sell on eBay (or anywhere else) is an unlawfully made copy of copyrighted materials, then offering to sell it is an infringement of the copyright owner's exclusive right to sell copies to the public. The so-called "first sale doctrine" (e.g., in the USA, 17 USC 109) does not apply to illegal copies.