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Yes and that's how relationships start. You'll either end up friends or you'll start dating. To play it safe we need to get to know the person slowly and find out what type of person they really are. You don't always get what you see!

sometimes. cuhs like some of my friends who r guys, we grow far apart, then one day we suddenly talk alot then were like bff's then like ya. its like a yoyo. haha.

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16y ago

Yes, he likes u as a friend but if he keeps starting a conversation start flirting with him and then he will see you are kinda into him then he will like you more than a friend.

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Q: If a guy starts talking to you a little more is that a sign that he likes you?
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very unlikely, sorry mate. Try talking a little more with her, so she can get to know you better. Once you two are talking a little every day, then start thinking about whether she likes you. good luck... very unlikely, sorry mate. Try talking a little more with her, so she can get to know you better. Once you two are talking a little every day, then start thinking about whether she likes you. good luck...

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I'd probably say keep in touch and if he starts talking to you (emailing you) more probably then he likes you.

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One way is if she starts to talk to you and seems to take interest in you and what you like or do. She eventually will start talking to you more and more frequently and start trusting you with things. She will eventually tell you that she likes you or a friend will tell you. lol

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No way of knowing other than asking him.

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Then he likes talking to you, and wants to talk more.

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