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Generally yes, it is called subrogation. Depending upon the circumstances as to WHY to coverage did not apply.

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Q: If a car was stolen and insurance denies the claim can the leinholder file against the insurance and collect?
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Will your comprehensive auto insurance cover your car if you were not at fault in the accident but other drivers insurance denies claim?

Let your insurance company/agent handle the claim--they will collect from the other insurance if there is a valid claim. You'll need a police report.

If primary insurance denies coverage and you have secondary who is responsible to pay the bill?

== == If secondary insurance denies coverage, YOU get to pay the bill. == ==

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Read your policy

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No health insurance company denies anyone health insurance for being gay.

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si el seguro lo rehusa/niega.

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It depends on whether or not the car carried comprehensive insurance. If it did the auto owner's insurance would cover the tree damage, regardless of the cause. If the car did not have comp. coverage, then the car owner may be able to make a liability claim against the tree owner's homeowners insurance coverage. If the homeowner's insurance denies the claim, the car owner can still seek a civil award against the homeowner's personal assets.

What if an insurance company denies my third party claim when they are at fault in car accident?

Then it's time for a lawsuit.

If a car was stolen and insurance denies the claim Reasons as late reporting to insurance company even when the police was informed and a police station diary was written and wireless message given?

Contact the insurance commissioner for that state and file complaint

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If theOffice of Financial and Insurance Services has the discretion to grant an insurance producers license to a person with a prior felony conviction but fails to exercisediscretion but denies all?.......................answer to this................If the Office of Financial and Insurance Services has the power to choose right decision to grant an ISL(insurance producers license) to a person who has commited any crime and been proved guilty of the samebut the Office of Financial and Insurance Services fails to make right judgment and also refuses everything.........

If you were hurt on the job and the employer denies it and puts you out of work can you still collect unemployment and sick pay?

It does sound like you can collect Worker's Comp and/or unemployment. Simply contact your local state's employment security office with the details and they will make the determination.

What happens if the other driver in an accident denies liability?

Never admit to liability in an accident. Exchange your details and let the insurance companies deal with it.

If you have PLPD and are involved in an accident does their insurance cover your car?

If the other party has insurance then their "property damage" coverage should cover damage to your vehicle. If you happen to be at fault or there is some question as to who is at fault then it might be hard to collect from their insurance company. Only if the other party is at fault. If you have collision insurance, you can file the claim with your own agent. Then you will be paid for your damages, less your deductible, and when your company collects from the other company you will also get your deductible. If you do not have collision, you will have to file your claim directly with the at-fault driver's insurance. If the company denies your claim (and unless there is very compelling evidence that their client was at fault, they will), you will have to sue the driver. Then, IF YOU WIN the lawsuit, their insurance will pay.