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If a cell is used to living in a hypotonic environment, that means that there exists less solute concentration outside of the cell. Take, for example, a red blood cell (RBC). When the RBC is placed in distilled water, the RBC is hypertonic to the water. The water is hypotonic to the RBC. In this case, the RBC will swell, and in most cases rupture. However, if one were to put an RBC in very salty water, the RBC would be hypotonic to the salt water. The salt water would be a hypertonic environment. In this case, the water would diffuse out of the RBC, causing it to shrivel. Awigman

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Q: If a cell lives in hypotonic environment what will happen if placed in hypertonic environment?
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when a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. Hypertonic or hypotonic, but I'm pretty sure hypertonic :)

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If the root is in hypotonic solution then the root will remain turgid. If placed in a hypertonic solution then the root will become flaccid over time.

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A hypertonic environment contains a higher concentration solutes then do the interior of the cell. This causes the water within the cell to move through the membrane and makes the cell shrink. A hypotonic solution has the opposite effect. The cell will swell and even explode (lysis).

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When placed in an isotonic solution nothin will happen to the cell, but when placed in a hypotonic solution the cell will implode (not explode, thus the water will push the cell on itself until implosion occurs.) Last but not least a hypertonic solution will cause the cell to explode by too much water entering the cell because there is already more water in the cell then in the solution. So the simple answer is: Isotonic solution= nothing, hypotonic solution= implosion, and hypertonic solution= explosion.

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is water hypotonic?

yes it is hypotonic to normal water. for more info, see is distilled water hypotonic or hypertonic.

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What can happen to animal cells when placed in a hypotonic solution explain

What is the relationship of dissolved materials inside and outside the cell in a isotonic hypertonic and hypotonic solutions?

isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions are all composed of dissolved materials,and a cell can be placed in these solutions resulting in osmosis of some form.

What is a hypotonic solution what will happen to a cell placed in a hypotonic solution?

it swells and burst

When a human red blood cells placed in a hypotonic environment it will?

When a human red blood cell is placed in a hypotonic environment, it iwll undergo cytolysis, which basically means it will explode.