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Q: If a child is placed in your temporary custody do you need a lawyer at this point if they are trying to severe the parents right?
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In the state of Louisiana can you place yourself in the custody of another adult without your parents' permision?

You can get emancipated. File at the local courthouse. * Being placed in the custody of another person and being emancipated are two different things. A minor doesn't get to decide who has custody of them. The only way a court will remove custody from your parents is if they have been proven to be unfit in some manner. As far as emancipation, in the state of Louisiana if your parents don

If you have joint custody but your ex will not tell you where your daughter is how can you find them?

You must see a lawyer as soon as possible. If you can't afford a lawyer then go to the police department and have a warrant put against your ex. If the courts have handed down joint custody and that person has hidden the children then a kidnapping charge can be placed against them. Good luck Marcy

How do you get Protective Custody?

Prisoners are placed into protective custody as a way to keep them safe from harm. A prisoner can request that he be remanded to protective custody or he can be placed there at the discretion of the warden.

Can your kids be taken away if both parents get sent to jail?

If both parents are incarcerated, the state's department of children's welfare will take the children into it's custody. If possible, the children may be placed with a relative before being placed in foster care.

If you are fourteen and your boyfriend is eightteen can your parents give you permisson to move in with him is that ok and he lives in Alabama?

NO. If you move in with boyfriend, he may find himself facing criminal charges and your parents will very likely find themselves losing custody. Then you will be placed in the custody of the state and the state will decide where you live, and it will NOT be with your adult boyfriend.

How do you get protection?

Prisoners are placed into protective custody as a way to keep them safe from harm. A prisoner can request that he be remanded to protective custody or he can be placed there at the discretion of the warden.

What happens if you run away in Utah and get caught?

If a child runs away and is caught in Utah, they could be placed in juvenile housing. Most of the time, the child is released back to the parents custody unless the parents do not want the child.

Is it possible to be placed under the custody of a teacher?

yes it is

Can the custodial parent get the custody case moved to their own state if neither of the parents live in the city where case was placed?

If the other parents still resides in the jurisdiction of the original order, they can fight to have that state retain authority over the case.

Would a child be placed back in the custody of their parents if he or she leaves the house at 17?

Haha, are you planning on leaving? You must be 18 years of age to own property, but if you find away around that ( have the house in someone else's name), then the 'child' would not be placed back into custody. There are a few exceptions to this rule, however, living conditions and aggressive behavior being a few.

Why do man get custody of children?

A father may be awarded custody in cases where the court feels it would be in the child's best interests to be placed with him.

In California if you die and was never married to the father of your child can you assign custody to your parents?

More than likely the child will be placed in the biological fathers custody in the event of your death. If the father is not in the child's life it will be best to have him relinquish his parental rights so in the event of such accident the child can legally reside with your family.