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See if he tells you again and if he is laughing or snickering a lot

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Q: If a guy says he likes you but you think he is just kidding how do you know for sure he likes you?
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You want to know if this guy likes me?

Girl just go up to him and say you like him if he says he does then say you were kidding then say you were kidding about that

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i dont think you can ........ :)i know, i was just kidding. :)

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who cares just kidding i dont know

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Just ask him. He will let you know with his mouth or his body language.

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The answer is simple.....actually we don't know I am just kidding because nobody likes answering these historical questions.

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Well in your case, if an older girl says she likes you, then when you confront her and she says she was just kidding. Half the time she's. It kidding. She may not want to admit she likes someone younger than her herself. I know I've done that a couple times... But there's always that slight chance she may really be kidding. But it's HIGHLY unlikely.

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Omg I think I know! 73! Just kidding 75. :D

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i think that it is a sun and a pie. hahahahahahahahaha just kidding i have know idea

Why would a girl older than you says she likes you and says she is just kidding and she does it a lot?

It sounds like she's flirting with you. Perhaps she likes you as a good friend or likes you as a boyfriend and is to scared to admit. I'm a girl, I should know.

What do you do if you like a guy and he likes you back but he currently has a girlfriend?

Break them up!! Kidding kidding! Don't really do that! What you need to do is if you really think or know that this guy likes you back then don't rush it! If he really does like you then he'll break up with his girlfriend and go after you! If he doesn't then he's just not worth it. Everyone needs someone who will do anything for them and if he won't then find someone else! Hope this helps! Good Luck!

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you ask him or you email him or just think he does and maybe he will

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how are we supposed to know;] just kidding' i think they get a total time of two months.