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15. A sperm cell is an example of a haploid cell. Two haploid cells combine to form a diploid cell, of which a heart cell is an example.

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Q: If a heart cell has 30 chromosomes how many chromosomes do a sperm cell of the same organism have?
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The total set of chromosomes found in either egg or sperm?

The number of chromosomes found in either and egg of sperm is half the number of chromosomes found in a normal cell of the organism. For example, if you are thinking of a human sperm or egg cell is would be 23 chromosomes, since the normal human cell has 46.

If each human cell consists of 46 chromosomes how many chromosomes are in each egg or sperm cell?


How many chromosomes are there in each cell?

it depends on they living organism. like human we have 23 chromosomes and that mean we have 46 chromosomes each

How many chromosomes pairs are in a sperm Cell?

A sperm cell contains 23 [unpaired] chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are in a cell that was formed from a sperm and egg cell?

Twenty-three chromosomes are in a cell that is formed from a sperm and egg cell.

In terms of chromosomes which of these cells is different nerve cell skin cell sperm cell or bone cell?

Sperm cell, as it's haploid (23 chromosomes) as opposed to diploid (46 chromosomes).

How many chromosomes has a fox sperm cell?

A fox has a diploid number of 50, meaning that in every cell there are 50 chromosomes. Thus, the haploid sperm cell only has 25 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes does the human sperm cell have?

It has 23 chromosomes.

How are daughter cell differ from the parent cell?

The parent cell will be diploid and contain paired chromosomes. The haploid cell will contain only one copy of each chromosome. In humans for example there are 23 pairs of chromosomes. In a somatic cell, which is diploid, the 23 pairs are present. In a gamete (sperm or egg cell), which is haploid there are only 23 chromosomes - unpaired. This is so that when the sperm and egg meet at fertilisation there are 46 chromosomes - 23 pairs - the correct number for the organism.

Is Sperm cell a haploid or diploid?

A sperm cell is haploid with only 24 chromosomes.

How do the chromosomes of a sperm cell differ from chromosomes in other cells of the body?

They have less chromosomes than a normal cell.

How many chromosomes does a human sperm or egg cell contain?

The human egg or sperm cell is haploid and contains 23 chromosomes. After fertilization (egg and sperm fusion), the zygote will have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).